pbmplus - image file format conversion package

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PBMPLUS is a toolkit for converting various image formats to and from portable formats, and therefore to and from each other. The idea is, if you want to convert among N image formats, you only need 2*N conversion filters, instead of the N^2 you would need if you wrote each one separately.

In addition to the converters, the package includes some simple tools for manipulating the portable formats.


After installing the manual pages, you may want to create the "whatis" file by doing a catman -w -M [directory], or whatever the equivalent is on your system.


Although PBMPLUS will compile as is, there are some things you can add to it if you like.

TIFF - Tagged Image File Format. Using the libtiff library, you can build pnmtotiff and tifftopnm converters. Visit:


Download build and install the library, then look in the PBMPLUS Makefile for instructions on how to integrate it. If you're on FreeBSD you can install libtiff by having your sysadmin cd to /usr/ports/graphics/tiff and do a 'make install'

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group. Visit:


This contains a JPEG library and two converters: cjpeg and djpeg. In the PBMPLUS nomenclature these would be called pnmtojpeg and jpegtopnm. These do not get integrated into PBMPLUS, they are separate but very useful. FreeBSD users can install /usr/ports/graphics/jpeg.

PNG - Portable Network Graphics, basically a GIF replacement. Visit:


You can download the libpng and zlib libraries, and the pnmtopng converter (also includes pngtopnm). As with the JPEG converters, these do not get integrated into PBMPLUS. FreeBSD users can find them in /usr/ports/graphics/pnmtopng.


The package is broken up into four parts. First is PBM, for bitmaps (1 bit per pixel). Then there is PGM, for grayscale images. Next is PPM, for full-color images. Last, there is PNM, which does content-independent manipulations on any of the three internal formats, and also handles external formats that have multiple types.

The parts are upwards compatible: PGM programs can read both PGM and PBM files, but always write PGM; PPM programs can read all three and always write PPM; and PNM programs read all three and write, generally, the same type as they read. The exception is when a PNM program "promotes" a file to a higher format, and it lets you know about this.

Understanding this relationship between the four types of programs is basic to using PBMPLUS. Many people don't get it, and ask questions like "I found xwdtopnm and ppmtogif, but how do I convert PNM to PPM?" If you understand what's going on, it's easy to see that you don't need such a converter - ppmtogif can directly read whichever of the three formats xwdtopnm writes.


Some people get confused by all the different names. If you want to convert a PBM file to a Sun raster file, is it pbmtorast, pgmtorast, ppmtorast, or pnmtorast? In this case some of the confusion might be because previous versions of the package did in fact have both pbmtorast and ppmtorast. But mostly it's just too many different things to hold in your short term memory. Fine, so don't even try to remember what's what. That's what computers are for. Unix, at least BSD Unix, has this great indexing feature on the "man" program. You say "man -k [keyword]" and it gives you all the one-line descriptions with that keyword in them. All the PBMPLUS man pages have nice useful one-line descriptions, that mention all the relevant keywords. Try it, you'll like it.

If your version of Unix does not have such an indexing feature, it should be a matter of a few minutes to make your own PBMPLUS index file, plus a simple grep alias to search it.


I've tried to make it as easy as possible to add new filters and converters to the package, so that you can grab things off the net and just drop them in. You stick the source and man page into the extras directory and add the new program's name to one of the .lst files in the same directory. The next time you do a make from the top-level directory, the scripts in the config subdirectory will build new Makefiles for you.

This ease of expansion should help alleviate the pressure for constant new official releases.


I've tested this stuff under SysV and BSD, on Sun 3's 4's and 386's and Sequents and Vaxen and HPs, with cc and gcc. Nevertheless, I'm sure bugs remain, and portability to systems like Amigas and IBM compatibles is an interesting question. Feedback is welcome; send bug reports, enhancements, etc. to one of these addresses:

pbmplus@mail.acme.com  (pbmplus-request@mail.acme.com to subscribe)

When sending bug reports, you must specify what version of PBMPLUS you have and what compilation options you used. The easiest way to get this is to run any PBMPLUS program with the -version flag. Please also include the type of system you are on, and what compiler you used. I try to respond to bug reports and enhancements promptly; that means within a week or two.

Also, if there is a new format or feature you would like to have added to the package, feel free to drop me a line. If it's a format, include whatever documentation you have, and if possible a uuencoded sample. My response time will depend on how busy I am, and how easy the job looks. If you need it right away, or it's a complicated job, you might consider paying me; lately, that's how a lot of work on the package has gotten done.

Finally, if you have access to Usenet, there's a newsgroup called alt.graphics.pixutils which is specifically for discussion of image conversion and editing packages such as PBMPLUS. Posting stuff there is even better than mailing it to me, since it lets other people help out with the answers.


If you plan to contribute code or data files to PBMPLUS, there are a few rules you should be aware of.

Formatting. When modifying existing code, continue the existing formatting style. When writing new programs, use whatever style you like, as long as it's self-consistent. If I have to modify a program and I can't figure out how to continue the style, I generally reformat the whole thing.

bcopy/index/rindex vs. memcpy/strchr/strrchr. Use whichever set of routines you like - the macros will take care of it. Just be careful not to name any variables "index".

Self-overlapping bcopy. This is not portable. Don't use it. If you need to do a self-overlapping bulk move, write a for loop.

In general, pick an existing program that is similar to what you want to do, and copy it as a starting point.


Don't do it.


All the software in this package, whether by me or by a contributer, has a copyright similar to this one:

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

Many people get confused by this legalese, especially the part about "without fee". Does this mean you can't charge for any product that uses PBMPLUS? No. All it means is that you don't have to pay me or anyone else. You can do what you want with this software. Build it into your package, borrow code from it, whatever. Just be sure to let people know where it came from.

EXCEPTION: some of the programs in the "extras" subdirectory may have different copyrights. "extras" is not officially part of PBMPLUS.


See http://www.acme.com/y2k.html.

See also: libpnmrw.
ACME Labs / Software / pbmplus