CData Connect

CData Connect


CData Connect provides live data connectivity to 100+ enterprise SaaS solutions, NoSQL databases, and relational databases through consistent, standards-compliant interfaces. Any application that can connect to a MySQL or SQL Server database can connect to any supported service you configure in Connect.

CData Connect allows you to standardize and configure connections to this broad ecosystem of data sources just like any other OData endpoint or standard SQL Server/MySQL database.

Key features

  • Broad Data Connectivity & Data Virtualization: Connect to a vast range of applications (Accounting, Marketing, CRM and others) using a consistent approach that is already supported by many data tools.
  • Full SQL Support: All data sources appear as standard relational databases. This allows you to perform operations — Filter, Group, Join, etc. — using standard SQL, regardless of whether these operations are supported by the underlying API.
  • CRUD Support: Both read and write operations are supported. Operations are restricted only by security settings that you can configure in CData Connect or downstream in the source itself.
  • Secure Access: Connection & Read-Only Permissions: The administrator can create users and define their access to specific connections and read-only operations or grant full read & write permissions.
  • Comprehensive Data Model & Dynamic Discovery: CData Connect provides comprehensive access to all of the data exposed in the underlying data source, including full access to dynamic data and searchable metadata.
  • Hybrid Deployment: Use our cloud infrastructure with no software to install, or license the software to install it in your preferred setting — Data as a Service (DaaS), Dedicated/Managed Deployment, or Self-Hosted/On-Premise.


  • See Overview for a run-down of the Connect Admin Console interface.
  • See Installation & Configuration for details on installing and running Connect.
  • See Data Model for information on how creating new connections to data-sources
  • See Users for information on how to create and edit users and set their connection permissions.
  • See OData Endpoint for information relating to the Connect OData endpoint, including examples of connections and typical requests.
  • See MySQL Endpoint for information relating to the Connect MySQL endpoint, including examples of connections and typical requests.
  • See TDS Endpoint for information relating to the Connect TDS endpoint, including examples of connections and typical requests.