Medical Cannabis
A treatment option for patients with serious
qualifying medical conditions
Childhood Lead Poisoning
Find information and resources to
prevent lead poisoning in children
Improving the health of women, infants, and children by
providing nutrition education and breastfeeding support
Vital Records
Request a certified copy of or make a change to a
WV birth, death, marriage, and birth resulting in stillbirth record
Statistical Services
Access WV health statistics to inform public
policy and guide disease prevention efforts
Medical Examiner FAQ
Find answers to frequently asked questions
about services provided by the Medical Examiner
Plan and Prepare
Community based tools to plan and prepare for
health emergencies and disasters by implementing plans to mitigate and
react to events
WVDIS provides free vaccines to eligible children
and a limited amount of vaccines to uninsured adults
Health Promotion
Advocating for chronic disease management. and
prevention through policy, systems and environmental changes. Clean
Indoor Air,
Hypertension, and
EMS Certification
Register for your NREMT Certification or renew
your credentials
Local Health
Supporting Local Health Departments with public
health services and resources
Laboratory Services
Supporting public health activities with
essential laboratory services
Infectious Disease
Find information about communicable disease
surveillance, reporting, and outbreaks response
Tobacco Prevention
Supporting a smoke-free West Virginia with the
Tobacco Quit Line, cessation, and resources