Message from the President

A Century of Glories, Foibles, and Vicissitudes.  As a national key university listed in the Project 211 and a top comprehensive university in Jiangsu Province, Soochow University originated from the institute of the same name established in Suzhou in 1900. Over the past 117 years, the University, blessed by the picturesque sceneries in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, has developed excellent academic traditions and a unique education system. Under the school motto "Unto A Full Grown Man", the institute has been serving as the nestle for many well-known scholars, entrepreneurs, and politicians. Following the tradition of seeking truth in a down-to-earth manner, Soochow University, as a remarkable institute in the history of higher education in China, has made great contributions to the development of the society and the progress of civilization.

Innovation with Joint Efforts and Cautious Attitudes.  With the support from all the sectors of society, Soochow University, following the ultimate goals of building a top university in China and a well-known institute in the world, has made great achievements in all kinds of causes in recent years. By giving priorities to talent cultivation, academic development, fundamental responsibilities, and the inheritance of the spirits of great minds, the University would adhere to its original schooling philosophy and recruit outstanding teachers from around the world. Moreover, we would endeavor to surmount the peaks of wisdom and great thoughts, and serve the development of causes regarding democracy, sciences and culture by setting our duties and responsibilities on talent cultivation, scientific research, community engagements, and the inheritance and innovation of culture.


Valuing Traditions while Focusing on the Future. During the reform period for higher education in China, Soochow University, against the background of the rapid development of the country’s community and economy, has integrated the rationalism of modern western civilizations with the essence of traditional Chinese culture. Confronting all the challenges in the new era, the University strengthens the cultivation of those innovative elites with both socialist minds and professional competences. By summarizing the schooling experience in the past century and setting the future development blueprints scientifically, the University, with the purpose of providing wisdom and forces for the advancement of society and human civilization, will promote its influences and level of schooling via the explorations of modern university systems and the construction of unique innovative culture. 

The rain in spring nurtures flower buds; the clear water from valleys nourishes rice shoots; and the wind comes from the south, winging over the new sprouts. Adoring the warmth and harmonious rhythms in a new era, we should keep the glorious past in our memories, and march forward with confidence and new paces. As the saying goes, "it takes ten years to grow a tree but a hundred years to nurture a person." In order to complete such a long-term and arduous task, we should keep moving and make more contributions to the cause of higher education in China by growing into a research-oriented university with significant influences, distinctive features, and a coordinated multi-disciplinary development.