
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10064 publications
    PriorBoost: An Adaptive Algorithm for Learning from Aggregate Responses
    Adel Javanmard
    Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (2024), pp. 21410-21429
    Preview abstract This work studies algorithms for learning from aggregate responses. We focus on the construction of aggregation sets (called \emph{bags} in the literature) for event-level loss functions. We prove for linear regression and generalized linear models (GLMs) that the optimal bagging problem reduces to one-dimensional size-constrained $k$-means clustering. Further, we theoretically quantify the advantage of using curated bags over random bags. We propose the \texttt{PriorBoost} algorithm, which iteratively forms increasingly homogenous bags with respect to (unseen) individual responses to improve model quality. We also explore label differential privacy for aggregate learning, and provide extensive experiments that demonstrate that \PriorBoost regularly achieves optimal quality, in contrast to non-adaptive algorithms for aggregate learning. View details
    Preview abstract Middle-mile logistics describes the problem of routing shipments through a network of hubs while respecting deadlines upon arrival. We consider that the hubs are linked by predefined lines, to which we have to assign vehicles. A very challenging aspect of the problem comes from the finite capacity of the vehicles: allocating a shipment to a given vehicle might block another one from using the same vehicle. Typical exact solution methods, based on a multicommodity-flow formulation, scale poorly with the problem size and real-world instances become quickly intractable. Instead, we turn to reinforcement learning (RL) by rephrasing the middle-mile problem as a multi-objective Markov decision process, where the state is a graph: the lines (edges) between the hubs and the parcels (nodes). At each round, we assign one shipment to a vehicle or decide that it stays in the same hub. The key ingredients of our proposed method are the extraction of small feature graphs from the state and the combination of graph neural networks (GNN) with model-free RL. We use the PPO (proximal policy optimization) algorithm, which maintains both an actor and a critic, while being able to cope with a varying number of actions depending on the state. We compare linear functions and GraphNet (a particular kind of GNN) to approximate the policy and value functions. GNNs can deliver up to 40% more shipments than a linear function and both approaches scale well with the number of shipments per truck. View details
    Preview abstract Generative AI (GAI) is proliferating, and among its many applications are to support creative work (e.g., generating text, images, music) and to enhance accessibility (e.g., captions of images and audio). As GAI evolves, creatives must consider how (or how not) to incorporate these tools into their practices. In this paper, we present interviews at the intersection of these applications. We learned from 10 creatives with disabilities who intentionally use and do not use GAI in and around their creative work. Their mediums ranged from audio engineering to leatherwork, and they collectively experienced a variety of disabilities, from sensory to motor to invisible disabilities. We share cross-cutting themes of their access hacks, how creative practice and access work become entangled, and their perspectives on how GAI should and should not fit into their workflows. In turn, we offer qualities of accessible creativity with responsible AI that can inform future research. View details
    Sharing is leaking: blocking transient-execution attacks with core-gapped confidential VMs
    Charly Castes
    29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 4 (ASPLOS '24) (2024)
    Preview abstract Confidential VMs on platforms such as Intel TDX, AMD SEV and Arm CCA promise greater security for cloud users against even a hypervisor-level attacker, but this promise has been shattered by repeated transient-execution vulnerabilities and CPU bugs. At the root of this problem lies the need to multiplex CPU cores with all their complex microarchitectural state among distrusting entities, with an untrusted hypervisor in control of the multiplexing. We propose core-gapped confidential VMs, a set of software-only modifications that ensure that no distrusting code shares a core, thus removing all same-core side-channels and transient-execution vulnerabilities from the guest’s TCB. We present an Arm-based prototype along with a performance evaluation showing that, not only does core-gapping offer performance competitive with non-confidential VMs, the greater locality achieved by avoiding shared cores can even improve performance for CPU-intensive workloads. View details
    Preview abstract We focus on the problem of learning without forgetting from multiple tasks arriving sequentially, where each task is defined using a few-shot episode of novel or already seen classes. We approach this problem using the recently published HyperTransformer (HT), a Transformer-based hypernetwork that generates specialized task-specific CNN weights directly from the support set. In order to learn from a continual sequence of tasks, we propose to recursively re-use the generated weights as input to the HT for the next task. This way, the generated CNN weights themselves act as a representation of previously learned tasks, and the HT is trained to update these weights so that the new task can be learned without forgetting past tasks. This approach is different from most continual learning algorithms that typically rely on using replay buffers, weight regularization or task-dependent architectural changes. We demonstrate that our proposed Continual HyperTransformer method equipped with a prototypical loss is capable of learning and retaining knowledge about past tasks for a variety of scenarios, including learning from mini-batches, and task-incremental and class-incremental learning scenarios. View details
    Help and The Social Construction of Access: A Case-Study from India
    Vaishnav Kameswaran
    Jerry Young Robinson
    Nithya Sambasivan
    Gaurav Aggarwal
    Proceedings of ASSETS 2024, ACM (2024)
    Preview abstract A goal of accessible technology (AT) design is often to increase independence, i.e., to enable people with disabilities to accomplish tasks on their own without help. Recent work uses "interdependence" to challenge this view, a framing that recognizes mutual dependencies as critical to addressing the access needs of people with disabilities. However, empirical evidence examining interdependence is limited to the Global North; we address this gap, using interdependence as an analytical frame to understand how people with visual impairments (PVI) in India navigate indoor environments. Using interviews with PVI and their companions and a video-diary study we find that help is a central way of working for PVI to circumvent issues of social and structural inaccess and necessitates work. We uncover three kinds of interdependencies 1) self-initiated, 2) serendipitous, and 3) obligatory and discuss the implications these interdependencies have for AT design in the Global South. View details
    Model-Free Preference Elicitation
    Carlos Martin
    Tuomas Sandholm
    Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24), Jeju, South Korea (2024), pp. 3493-3503
    Preview abstract Elicitation of user preferences is becoming an important approach for improving the qualityof recommendations, especially when there is little or no user history. In this setting, arecommender system interacts with the user by iteratively presenting elicitation questionsand recording their responses. Various criteria have been proposed for optimizing thesequence of queries in order to improve user understanding and thereby the quality ofdownstream recommendations. A compelling approach for preference elicitation is theExpected Value of Information (EVOI), a Bayesian approach which computes the expectedgain in user utility for possible queries. Previous work on EVOI has focused on probabilisticmodels of users for computing posterior utilities. In contrast, in this work we exploremodel-free variants of EVOI which rely on function approximations in order to avoid strongmodeling assumptions. Specifically, we propose to learn a user response model and a userutility model from data which is often available in real-world systems, and to use thesemodels in EVOI in place of the probabilistic models. We show that our approach leads toimproved elicitation performance. View details
    See Through Vehicles: Fully Occluded Vehicle Detection with Millimeter Wave Radar
    Chenming He
    Chengzhen Meng
    Chunwang He
    Beibei Wang
    Yubo Yan
    Yanyong Zhang
    MobiCom 2024: The 30th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking
    Preview abstract A crucial task in autonomous driving is to continuously detect nearby vehicles. Problems thus arise when a vehicle is occluded and becomes “unseeable”, which may lead to accidents. In this study, we develop mmOVD, a system that can detect fully occluded vehicles by involving millimeter-wave radars to capture the ground-reflected signals passing beneath the blocking vehicle’s chassis. The foremost challenge here is coping with ghost points caused by frequent multi-path reflections, which highly resemble the true points. We devise a set of features that can efficiently distinguish the ghost points by exploiting the neighbor points’ spatial and velocity distributions. We also design a cumulative clustering algorithm to effectively aggregate the unstable ground reflected radar points over consecutive frames to derive the bounding boxes of the vehicles. We have evaluated mmOVD in both controlled environments and real-world environments. In an underground garage and two campus roads, we conducted controlled experiments in 56 scenes with 8 vehicles, including a minibus and a motorcycle. Our system accurately detects occluded vehicles for the first time, with a 91.1% F1 score for occluded vehicle detection and a 100% success rate for occlusion event detection. More importantly, we drove 324km on crowded roads at a speed up to 70km per hour and show we could achieve an occlusion detection success rate of 92% and a low false alarm rate of 4% with only 10% of the training data in complex real-world environments. View details
    Preview abstract Private Everlasting Prediction (PEP), recently introduced by Naor et al. [2023], is a model for differentially private learning in which the learner never publicly releases a hypothesis. Instead, it provides a black-box access to a ``prediction oracle'' that can predict the labels of an endless stream of unlabeled examples drawn from the underlying distribution. Importantly, PEP provides privacy both for the initial training set and for the endless stream of classification queries. We present two conceptual modifications to the definition of PEP, as well as new constructions exhibiting significant improvements over prior work. Specifically, our contributions include: (1) Robustness: PEP only guarantees accuracy provided that all the classification queries are drawn from the correct underlying distribution. A few out-of-distribution queries might break the validity of the prediction oracle for future queries, even for future queries which are sampled from the correct distribution. We incorporate robustness against such poisoning attacks into the definition of PEP, and show how to obtain it. (2) Dependence of the privacy parameter delta in the time horizon: We present a relaxed privacy definition, suitable for PEP, that allows us to disconnect the privacy parameter delta from the number of total time steps T. This allows us to obtain algorithms for PEP whose sample complexity is independent from T, thereby making them "truly everlasting". This is in contrast to prior work where the sample complexity grows with polylog(T). (3) New constructions: Prior constructions for PEP exhibit sample complexity that is quadratic in the VC dimension of the target class. We present new constructions of PEP for axis-aligned rectangles and for decision-stumps, that exhibit sample complexity linear in the dimension (instead of quadratic). We show that our constructions satisfy very strong robustness properties. View details
    Preview abstract Given a training data-set $\mathcal{S}$, and a reference data-set $\mathcal{T}$, we design a simple and efficient algorithm to reweigh the loss function such that the limiting distribution of the neural network weights that result from training on $\mathcal{S}$ approaches the limiting distribution that would have resulted by training on $\mathcal{T}$. Such reweighing can be used to correct for Train-Test distribution shift, when we don't have access to the labels of $\mathcal{T}$. It can also be used to perform (soft) multi-criteria optimization on neural nets, when we have access to the labels of $\mathcal{T}$, but $\mathcal{S}$ and $\mathcal{T}$ have few common points. As a motivating application, we train a graph neural net to recognize small molecule binders to MNK2 (a MAP Kinase, responsible for cell signaling) which are non-binders to MNK1 (a very similar protein), even in the absence of training data common to both data-sets. We are able to tune the reweighing parameters so that overall change in holdout loss is negligible, but the selectivity, i.e., the fraction of top 100 MNK2 binders that are MNK1 non-binders, increases from 54\% to 95\%, as a result of our reweighing. We expect the algorithm to be applicable in other settings as well, since we prove that when the metric entropy of the input data-sets is bounded, our random sampling based greedy algorithm outputs a close to optimal reweighing, i.e., the two invariant distributions of network weights will be provably close in total variation distance. View details
    Preview abstract Table-based reasoning with large language models (LLMs) is a promising direction to tackle many table understanding tasks, such as table-based question answering and fact verification. Compared with generic reasoning, table-based reasoning requires the extraction of underlying semantics from both free-form questions and semi-structured tabular data. Chain-of-Thought and its similar approaches incorporate the reasoning chain in the form of textual context, but it is still an open question how to effectively leverage tabular data in the reasoning chain. We propose the Chain-of-Table framework, where tabular data is explicitly used in the reasoning chain as a proxy for intermediate thoughts. Specifically, we guide LLMs using in-context learning to iteratively generate operations and update the table to represent a tabular reasoning chain. LLMs can therefore dynamically plan the next operation based on the results of the previous ones. This continuous evolution of the table forms a chain, showing the reasoning process for a given tabular problem. The chain carries structured information of the intermediate results, enabling more accurate and reliable predictions. Chain-of-Table achieves new state-of-the-art performance on WikiTQ, FeTaQA, and TabFact benchmarks across multiple LLM choices. View details
    Preview abstract In the present computerized period, information driven navigation is essential for the progress of cooperative work areas. This paper gives an extensive examination of how information designing, distributed storage, and business insight synergistically engage groups. We look at the basic standards of information designing, zeroing in on the plan, development, and the management of adaptable information pipelines. The job of distributed storage is investigated, featuring its ability to give adaptable, secure, and open information arrangements. Besides, we dive into business knowledge instruments and their capacity to change crude information into significant experiences. Through contextual analyses and exact information, we delineate the groundbreaking effect of these advances in group efficiency, coordinated effort, and dynamic cycles. This examination highlights the significance of incorporating hearty information designing works on, utilizing distributed storage arrangements, and utilizing complex business knowledge apparatuses to establish information engaged cooperative conditions. View details
    Preview abstract Prompting and in-context learning (ICL) have become efficient learning paradigms for large language models (LLMs). However, LLMs suffer from prompt brittleness and various bias factors in the prompt, including but not limited to the formatting, the choice verbalizers, and the ICL examples. To address this problem that results in unexpected performance degradation, calibration methods have been developed to mitigate the effects of these biases while recovering LLM performance. In this work, we first conduct a systematic analysis of the existing calibration methods, where we both provide a unified view and reveal the failure cases. Inspired by these analyses, we propose Batch Calibration (BC), a simple yet intuitive method that controls the contextual bias from the batched input, unifies various prior approaches, and effectively addresses the aforementioned issues. BC is zero-shot, inference-only, and incurs negligible additional costs. In the few-shot setup, we further extend BC to allow it to learn the contextual bias from labeled data. We validate the effectiveness of BC with PaLM 2-(S, M, L) and CLIP models and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance over previous calibration baselines across more than 10 natural language understanding and image classification tasks. View details
    Quartic Quantum Speedups for Planted Inference Problems
    Alexander Schmidhuber
    Ryan O'Donnell
    arXiv:2406.19378 (2024)
    Preview abstract We describe a quantum algorithm for the Planted Noisy kXOR problem (also known as sparse Learning Parity with Noise) that achieves a nearly quartic (4th power) speedup over the best known classical algorithm while also only using logarithmically many qubits. Our work generalizes and simplifies prior work of Hastings, by building on his quantum algorithm for the Tensor Principal Component Analysis (PCA) problem. We achieve our quantum speedup using a general framework based on the Kikuchi Method (recovering the quartic speedup for Tensor PCA), and we anticipate it will yield similar speedups for further planted inference problems. These speedups rely on the fact that planted inference problems naturally instantiate the Guided Sparse Hamiltonian problem. Since the Planted Noisy kXOR problem has been used as a component of certain cryptographic constructions, our work suggests that some of these are susceptible to super-quadratic quantum attacks. View details
    Preview abstract Federated learning has been widely used to train automatic speech recognition models, where the training procedure is decentralized to client devices to avoid data privacy concerns by keeping the training data locally. However, the limited computation resources on client devices prevent training with large models. Recently, quantization-aware training has shown the potential to train a quantized neural network with similar performance to the full-precision model while keeping the model size small and inference faster. However, these quantization methods will not save memory during training since they still keep the full-precision model. To address this issue, we propose a new quantization training framework for federated learning which saves the memory usage by training with quantized variables directly on local devices. We empirically show that our method can achieve comparable WER while only using 60% memory of the full-precision model. View details