26-28 November 2024, Areal Böhler, Düsseldorf, Germany
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We've put together a comprehensive list of the most frequently asked questions regarding the TYPO3 Conference and Awards to help guide you through the event details. If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to reach out to us at events@typo3.com.


No, TYPO3 Award Gala tickets are sold separately and are not included with the conference pass. You will need to purchase an additional ticket to attend the gala.

Yes, TYPO3 Association Members can take advantage of discounted ticket prices for both the conference and the TYPO3 Award Gala. Regular Association Membership discounts apply.

The first day, dedicated to the Public Sector and Higher Education, is free to ensure maximum accessibility and participation for attendees from government and academic sectors.

Applications for regular speaker slots are not open; speakers are selected to ensure the best possible program for the event. 


You can submit up to 2 projects per category. 

After submitting your award submission in the shop, you will receive a link to a form where you can upload your additional project information alongside your order number. 

Please provide information about everything that is important to you and your client. The format and length are entirely up to you, as these details will serve as the basis for the jury's evaluation. Videos, PDFs, presentations—anything your agency deems important—are all welcome.

Yes, if you win an award, your customers can also use the TYPO3 Award logo on their website to showcase the achievement.

The submissions are judged based on Speed/Performance, Design/UX, SEO performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, Errors, and Core Web Vitals.

Additionally, the jury’s own professional insight and experience in evaluating creativity and excellence play a role.

More info at: https://t3con24.typo3.com/awards 

The shortlist will be announced on our website on October 1, 2024, after the submission period ends and the evaluation process begins. Every winner will be informed via e-mail.

"Cocktail attire" calls for a stylish, semi-formal look. It should be a sophisticated outfit that is not too formal like evening wear but still elegant.