Edge Management Service feedback - JSON imported Extensions with name and description

Brass Contributor

When importing external extensions from JSON to profiles within the Edge Management Service, is there a roadmap item to provide ability to allow name and description along with the extension ID? The same way you can when manually adding the extensions using the UI.


Otherwise the extensions from JSON import have 'unfriendly names'. It would be nicer to have friendly names that are useful for those generating/reading documentation.

2 Replies

@Paul Cook Hi!  I've reached out to the team to check if this is something they have planned.  I'll follow up with any information or insights from them.  Thanks! 



@Paul Cook Hello!  I've heard back from the team.  We don't have anything currently slated or any workaround at this time for this scenario, but this is something that they are discussing internally and evaluating some options.  


Thanks for sending the feature request.  Please let us know if you have any other feedback.  

