Enterprise Mode Site List Manager updated for IE mode


An improved version of the Enterprise Mode Site list manager is now available in the Download Center - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49974

Documentation updates to follow. 


Improvements include:

  • Ability to add/edit the “app=true” attribute in the site list XML using the checkbox “Standalone IE” for sites that need the Internet Explorer 11 app launched.
  • Ability to add/edit the Allow Redirect attribute to the XML
  • Improved v1 to v2 schema conversion to ensure that sites designated as DoNotTransition = true in v1 will get set to open in MSEdge instead of being neutral in v2
  • Ability to flag sites that are listed as neutral, but may have been added in error (possibly by a previous v1 to v2 migration).
    • This check is automatically performed while converting from v1 to v2 or can be triggered by the user from File > Flag neutral sites
    • If selecting this option has no effect, there is nothing that needs attention. Otherwise, you will see a message "Engine neutral sites flagged for review"
    • If you believe that a flagged site is correctly configured, you can edit the site entry and click on "Clear Flag". Once you select that option for a site, it will not be flagged again.
5 Replies



Unfortunatly the biggest problem with this tool is still unsolved. You cant use it to edit an existing xml. And its impossible to edit/change the version so the xml needs still a manual  modification of<site-list version="23"> :facepalm:


Hope one day this will be changed

@Joachim_T you can bulk load an existing xml file, modify it and save as xml. Version number is incremented. 



Doesnt help. i need to set the number myself. If you import it, it always starts again with 1.


So always after save a new xml i have to edit the number after that. to match the exisiting number in my environment


I see the number retained from the xml I import. After making modifications you need to save as XML.  The version number is then incremented. For me this works as designed. Anyhow, more serious issues around 😁


You are not directly editing XML files with the tool.


How it works is like this (the order of the steps is important!) :

  1.  you create a new configuration by bulk-importing an existing XML or enter the entries manually. This is only required once!
  2. when done editing, you save the result to an XML that is published on a webserver.
  3. after saving to XML, you export the configuration via the Export option. The resulting file is a config file (extension *.emie2) - not required on the webserver, so you can put it anywhere you like.
  4. For future modifications, you simply:
    1. Load the last config file via Import
    2. Edit it
    3. Save to XML
      -> this step will increase the version number!
    4. Export again to a new config file


The config files also contain the version number! So it is not lost on consecutive changes if you follow this process and import the latest file first.

You also can edit the emie2 file after exporting to increase the version number there. Then it hould retain that version after importing, and the next XML should get that version + 1.


A bit wonky, but works and you get used to it fast.