File URL's Not allowed form edge 118 onwards.

Copper Contributor

From the edge 118 update onwards, access to file url (local files from disk) is been blocked, our extension on edge store relies heavily on the use of file url's.  Chrome in 119 version added a group policy {file_navigation_allowed} in extension management setting which when set to true allows the access to file url's.
Can we have something similar on the edge side as well? or if there's some setting that can work our for us.
Note -: Allow access to file url checkbox in the extension setting page solution is not feasible as some organization that use our extension have 100K+ machines they are not ready to go on each endpoint and enable the setting. 
This issue is blocker for us, broke the core functionality of our extension. Anyone can help? or want to suggest something?

- Vishal

2 Replies

@Vishal7785 Hi!  I've reached out to the team and they are estimating that Microsoft Edge will receive this change from Chromium in early next year.  I can follow up here with updates. Thanks! 



@Vishal7785 Hi - I've just heard from the team and "file_url_navigation_allowed" is now available in Microsoft Edge 120 (Stable).  We will be updating our documentation shortly.  Please test and let us know if you are still having issues.  Thanks! 

