Homepage tab not loading 128.0.2739.42

Steel Contributor

The latest stable version of Edge seems to have broken the new tab homepage for us. The tab opens but just says "loading" and never completes. Opening a new tab resolves the issue. This is only happening on Stable, not in Canary or Dev, version 128.0.2739.42.

36 Replies
And, as others have said - nothing in Crashes for me either.
It doesn't seem like Edge actually crashes, just that the webpage fails to ever load.


So me and my Team are attacking this issue now. As of this second we have identified that renaming the Edge key in the registry helps the page resolve. We are still digging to see the exact key or setting that could be affecting this in our env. 

Location of key is Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge

If you rename the edge key to edge1 it appears to solve the issue but we are looking to identify the root cause and see exactly which policy or setting is causing this.

Please confirm if this works for others. 

UPDATE: Located Key causing issue for us in our env.
StartupboostEnabled> With this key set to 1 the site is now loading for us.

Please confirm. MSFT usually recommends setting this key to 0 which disables it but, in our situation, setting it to 1 fixes the SharePoint site loading for us. We will monitor performance to see if performanceboostenabled causes any issues or if we need to.

We have reported this finding to MSFT as well.

@malloy9932150 all that key does is keep Edge loaded in RAM so when you close and re-open the browser it's not really "closed", so you are just masking the issue

Correct this will need to be fixed by MSFT PG. But this is where they should be focusing their efforts as I can confirm on several devices this key is causing issues.

Also I have heard back from MSFT and their recommendation is to roll back to 127 presently. Not worth the squeeze imo.

It also looks like if the edge process is already running this should work as well. We can only reproduce the issue is no edge process is running and its the first time launching. 

Example: Launching edge>Close edge>Reopen edge works as the process is running in the background after the first launch. 

this is the same behavior we are experiencing, most of our users that had issues were opening edge with a url link/shortcut vs. noticing on their homepage (largely b/c where they care about their homepage, edge hasn't yet updated) - but it does behave the same for the home page (gpo set). Always good to know others are experiencing the same pattern of behavior.
User reported this today and just spent the last 10 minutes looking into it and found it was replicated with all our users using this version.

Issue I'm seeing is if edge isn't preloaded or running in the background it will not load shortcuts.
I have some random users that it does start the background process for them on the initial startup and they're able to open up shortcuts after. Unsure why these users manage to load up edge in the background.

@malloy9932150 the bug looks associated with a recent change that Edge and Google Chrome share based on what I see.  Here is what lead me to that conclusion.


After my Edge browser updated to 128.0.2739.42, I have a problem where a tab's content gets replaced with BREAKPOINT_STATUS.

I'm a software developer making a web application and have been trying to find any connection between my code and the Edge browser bug.  It wasn't a problem until the upgrade to 128.0.2739.42 and the same site works in Firefox 129.0.2 (64-bit), Chrome 127.0.6533.122.  Google Chrome started showing a similar error message after updating Google Chrome to Version 128.0.6613.85 (Official Build) (64-bit).


One of my crashes had the following information in case you connect my comments.

Select checkbox with Local ID be3019fd-3b83-464f-a724-e105ce499ab4

72478771ba68b216fb94f3a57d7e5163 Monday, August 26, 2024 at 6:40:49 PM

If both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome incorporated changes to the V8 JavaScript engine in the last week or 2, changes to the V8 JavaScript engine are what I would suspect to cause these bugs to both Edge 128.0.2739.42 and Google Chrome 128.0.6613.85 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Setting StartupboostEnabled to 1 seems to solve the problem.

Even after key update "StartupBoostEnabled" to 1 , still facing the loading issue for Initial TAB .

best response confirmed by lexcyn (Steel Contributor)

Thanks everyone for the help on this one!  The team has a fix, which is planned to be released with the next Stable 128 update, later this week.  


As a temporary workaround, you should be able to use the following command line argument: 


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --disable-features="msIrm, msIrmv2, msEndpointDlp" 



I look forward to testing with the new version.

I still get the same BREAKPOINT_STATUS message with the suggested workaround, though. Hopefully the new version works better than that workaround.

@Kelly_Y thanks for the quick turnaround! 

@Josh-G Hello - If the workaround is not working, please reach out to Support (  You might be encountering a different issue.  Thanks! 



Hi! Stable Version 128.0.2739.54 was just released. 


Here is a link to the release notes:  Microsoft Edge release notes for Stable Channel | Microsoft Learn


Please update and test.  If you are still having issues, please let us know.  Thanks! 



128.0.2739.54 (StartupBoostEnabled=0) doesn't fix our issue.

@Kelly_Y  Hello would like to know is this issue is fixed?