Deploying Microsoft 365 just got easier - Introducing advanced deployment guides!
Published Dec 15 2022 09:06 AM 7,936 Views

Simplify Microsoft 365 deployment with guided checklists, curated content from product, and FastTrack lead engineering teams. Ensure your cloud IT environment is secure from day one with the Microsoft 365 advanced deployment guides. You can set up Defender for Endpoint, Office, and Cloud Apps, and run the Security Analyzer.  You can save weeks of effort in deploying products. More than 100,000 IT pros have made use of the Microsoft 365 advanced deployment guides to plan and implement Microsoft 365 deployments.


Get deployed fast and with confidence! 


All Microsoft 365 customers can use in-product automation, including advanced deployment guides.  


Microsoft 365 advanced deployment guides help IT pros plan and configure Microsoft Cloud services incorporating automation for an efficient and error-free deployment. 

In addition to the advanced deployment guides, you will also find training videos for admins and users. Training for admins has an abundance of tutorials and videos designed to give you an interactive space to actively engage with guides and products.  The advanced deployment guides often include automated tools that simplify time-consuming manual deployment steps as well as optional FastTrack assistance for eligible customers. The guides are grouped into multiple categories and each category has multiple guides.  Lastly, the training for users provides multiple videos for Office applications and Microsoft 365 products for additional assistance for you and your employees.  


An image demonstrating how to access the advanced deployment guides in the Training, guides, & assistance section of the Microsoft 365 admin center.An image demonstrating how to access the advanced deployment guides in the Training, guides, & assistance section of the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Clicking Advanced deployment guides & assistance (shown as the second option in the image above) will lead you to the advanced deployment guides.


An image of available tabs to choose from in the Training, guides & assistance section, including Deployment guides, Training resources, FastTrack assistance.An image of available tabs to choose from in the Training, guides & assistance section, including Deployment guides, Training resources, FastTrack assistance.

An image demonstrating the Suggested guides view on the Advanced deployment guides & assistance page in the Microsoft 365 admin center.An image demonstrating the Suggested guides view on the Advanced deployment guides & assistance page in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

An image demonstrating the Secure Score view on the Advanced deployment guides & assistance page in the Microsoft 365 admin center.An image demonstrating the Secure Score view on the Advanced deployment guides & assistance page in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

The Advanced deployment guides page in the Microsoft 365 admin center just received an update to help you more easily find guides for the services you’re deploying. The update includes improved search, recommendations and a new layout. We’ve also made all guides available on, so anyone can learn more about service deployment. To learn more about this release, see the announcement blog post in the Microsoft 365 community. 


We will continue to grow and curate these deployment guides with our latest offers and resources to meet customer needs. This blog post is the first in a series of FastTrack blog posts on advanced deployment guides, so be on the lookout for more in the coming weeks!


The Microsoft 365 advanced deployment guides will help connect you with the right resources to give you a head start for each step of your Microsoft 365 journey - don't wait, get started today! 


Helpful resources

Learn about all deployment guides and setup wizards:


Getting started with advanced deployment guides within the Microsoft 365 admin center:

  • Go to and log in
  • Once logged in, go to the Home page and look for the Training, guides, & assistance card 
  • Select Advanced deployment guides & assistance

Access advanced deployment guides without signing in:



Version history
Last update:
‎Dec 14 2022 05:07 PM
Updated by: