Using Procdump to generate dumps on a specific .net core exception
Published Dec 14 2022 06:21 AM 5,992 Views

The prelude:


My morning coffee was too strong today and it kicked me into thinking out-of-the-box ideas. Procdump is a great tool for collecting dumps in a Production environment, but I wanted to take it one step further to generate a dump on a specific .net core exception.


For example, I wanted to get a dump when IOException occurs with the below command:


procdump64.exe -e 1 -f IOException donetcoreapp.exe


When the System.IO.IOexception is raised in the target process, there is neither exception type name displayed nor dump generated, you only see the output like the below:

[04:42:56] Exception: E0434352.CLR


The out-of-box trick:


Here are the steps that got the job done:


To dump exceptions for a 64-bit .net core app:

  • Download the 64-bit dbgshim nuget package from the below link to the machine:

NuGet Gallery | 6.0.360101


  • Extract the 64-bit dbgshim.dll from the 64-bit package to the same folder as the procdump.

To dump exceptions for a 32-bit .net core app:

  • Download the 32-bit dbgshim nuget package from the below link to the machine:

NuGet Gallery | 6.0.360101


  • Extract the 32-bit dbgshim.dll from the 32-bit package to the same folder as the procdump.

Then you can get the exception dump successfully.


[15:15:35] Exception: E0434F4D.System.IO.IOException ("I/O error occurred.")

[15:15:35] Dump 1 initiated: ...
[15:15:37] Dump 1 complete: 1 MB written in 1.4 seconds



Happy Debugging!!!


Version history
Last update:
‎Dec 14 2022 06:26 AM
Updated by: