Customer Spotlight: Lloyds Banking Group
Published Jan 16 2020 10:00 AM 12.6K Views

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We’re excited to share today’s news announcing a strategic partnership between Microsoft and Lloyds Banking Group (LBG), which will accelerate LBG’s digital transformation. The partnership features “the development of Microsoft Managed Desktop offering, productivity tools within Office 365, the robust security capability of Windows10 and an advanced device solution to support evergreen currency management.”


According to John Chambers, Group Chief Information Officer of Lloyds Banking Group: “As part of our digital transformation we’re creating a modern digital workplace and I am really excited about the impact of this new technology. A core principle of Microsoft Managed Desktop is the idea that an evolved approach can give colleagues fantastic experiences on workplace devices that stay current and secure with Microsoft 365. We are confident that prioritising a modern and enjoyable workspace will significantly improve our colleague experience.”


Of course, if you’ve followed Microsoft Managed Desktop since the earliest announcement of our service, you already know LBG was one of our first collaborators in bringing our vision to life. And if you attended our session at Ignite 2019 delivered by Microsoft Managed Desktop General Manager Bill Karagounis, you heard directly from Engineering Director and Group CIO Simon Bullers about LBG’s vision to move beyond the oppressive costs, IT demands and the user experience impact of maintaining its legacy environment in favor of a modern, evergreen workplace.


So what’s the big deal about today’s announcement?


When we started working with LBG in 2017, we already knew customers were challenged to stay current with Microsoft 365. But our collaboration with LBG gave us deep insights into the magnitude of that challenge given the extremes of LBG’s situation.


  • Scale. LBG’s IT organization was tasked with managing devices for a workforce of 75,000.
  • Security. LBG is an iconic brand in a conservative, highly regulated industry – and it’s a pillar of the UK economy – so any proposed solution had to meet a high bar for security, stability, efficiency, and fault tolerance.
  • Complexity. LBG is a multifaceted organization that has built complex solutions to solve many different business workloads. This is a common situation for many enterprises, and a considerable challenge to move to a consistent, modern environment without impeding day-to-day operations. (Watch the Ignite session recording starting at 23:40 for more details.)


Our collaboration with LBG provided an invaluable opportunity to refine our vision and stress-test our solution to deliver fantastic device experiences with security and agility at scale, and thereby accelerate the enterprise journey to a modern workplace.


After two years of close collaboration, we are celebrating LBG’s decision to accelerate its digital transformation by deploying Microsoft Managed Desktop across its entire Group. It’s a major milestone in our service evolution, signifying that our approach has earned the confidence of one of the world’s largest and best-known financial institutions.


LBG is just one of many customer and partner collaborations that have informed our service evolution. If you’re interested in exploring Microsoft Managed Desktop for your organization, please contact us, check out our website, and subscribe to our blog to keep up with our news and information about our approach to modern management.


What’s the most arduous challenge you face in digital transformation? Please comment below.

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