Introducing Microsoft Teams displays
Published Jul 08 2020 11:00 AM 158K Views

As many people around the world are working remotely, we are seeing an increased need to streamline the work experience and help prioritize what is important. Following our recent blog on Teams product news, we are excited to announce our newest device innovation, Microsoft Teams displays, a category of all-in-one dedicated Teams devices featuring an ambient touchscreen, and a hands-free experience powered by Cortana.


We brought Microsoft Teams phones to market about 3 years ago and have seen an accelerated expansion of devices, presenting a wide selection of devices for customers to choose from. Today, we are reimagining the personal workspace with Microsoft Teams displays by integrating the Teams collaboration and communication experience into your home and workplace with high fidelity audio and video.


1. All-in-one dedicated Teams devices
Microsoft Teams displays bring together your favorite Teams features: chat, meetings, calls, calendar, and files into a single device, promoting human connection in the remote workplace. With Teams displays, you can enjoy a high-quality microphone, camera, and speakers (or Bluetooth headset) for a reliable calling and meeting experience.

Dedicated Teams devices like Bluetooth headsets (left) and displays (center) create a more reliable calling and meeting experience.Dedicated Teams devices like Bluetooth headsets (left) and displays (center) create a more reliable calling and meeting experience.


2. Glanceable ambient personalizable displays
Microsoft Teams displays help you stay on top of your busy work with always-on displays highlighting important activities and notifications and removing distractions from your primary work device. Also, you can personalize your Microsoft Teams displays by changing your wallpaper and additional personalization options will become available.

Microsoft Teams displays can be personalized to include wallpapers and highlight important activities and notifications.Microsoft Teams displays can be personalized to include wallpapers and highlight important activities and notifications.


3. Hands-free voice assistance with Cortana
Microsoft Teams displays allow you to speak in natural language to effortlessly join and present in meetings, dictate replies to a Teams chat, and more. You can make requests to Cortana like "What is on my calendar today?", "Share this document with Megan", "Join my next meeting", “Add Joe to this meeting", "Present the quarterly review deck".


4. Better together with your PC
Microsoft Teams displays seamlessly integrate with your PC to bring a companion experience that allows for seamless cross-device interaction. You can easily lock and unlock both devices from your connected PC, open files or messages then easily transition to your PC, and join meetings from either device with a distributed meeting experience across both devices.

Using Microsoft Teams displays allows for a distributed meeting experience across devices.Using Microsoft Teams displays allows for a distributed meeting experience across devices.


5. Enterprise privacy, security, and compliance
Microsoft Teams displays ensure user's privacy and meets enterprise-grade security and compliance in several ways:

  • With a camera shutter and microphone mute switch, users can feel assured that your conversations and video will remain private.
  • IT admins can securely manage, update, and monitor Microsoft Teams displays through the Teams admin portal.
  • Users will securely sign in with their enterprise Azure Active Directory credentials.
  • Voice assistance experiences are delivered using Cortana enterprise-grade services that meet Microsoft 365 privacy, security and compliance commitments.

MicrosoftTeams-image (10) (1).png


With Cortana built-in, the Lenovo ThinkSmart View will be the first Microsoft Teams display to market, with Yealink also delivering one of the first devices in this category. Microsoft Teams displays with Cortana will be available in the U.S. later this year, with plans to expand Cortana to other markets in the future.

The first Microsoft Teams displays are from Lenovo (left) and Yealink (right).The first Microsoft Teams displays are from Lenovo (left) and Yealink (right).


To learn more about portfolio of devices certified for Teams, visit

From now until 7/31/2020, use code “TeamsDevices20” to receive a discount on a variety of products at checkout.



Silver Contributor

Why would i want to squint at such a small display and even have a meeting on it? I would rather put some 24+ monitor besides my laptop and hook it to a laptop or have a dock than have that limited device dedicated just to Teams. Overglorifying what Teams is.

Copper Contributor

Because Zoom and RingCentral make similar devices, so that's one reason. Or you may not have a camera on your desktop, OR you have a laptop that stays closed when at the office and you don't want to open it up, shifting your windows around, just for the meeting. I can think of plenty of reasons I'd prefer to have a dedicated Teams device versus using a large monitor. 

Copper Contributor

@wroot - I think you've missed the point. It's not just a video phone. While it's a bit of a mouthful, consider the description "Glanceable ambient personalizable display." The use case for this category of device is probably stronger for when you are not in a Teams meeting. Think about how often you need to switch apps or pull out your phone to check what's coming up in your calendar, or to see where you've been @ mentioned. You can also use it for Teams Meetings and calls in combination with your PC and large displays so you can still have 24" content display or gallery view if you want. 

Copper Contributor

Hilariously overpriced hardware for absolutely no good reason. Why fail to sell a $350 tiny screen unit when a simple $89 tablet can do the exact same thing and let you dominate the space?

Copper Contributor

Agree @John Meredith and even better (for me at least), I have a device, my iPad, just give me an app I can use that does the same thing...

Brass Contributor

I hope Microsoft will be making iOS/Android apps out of these as you would be able to use any smartphone/tablet as a personal Teams Display device. I don't see the added value in buying a dedicated device as most of us already have devices that in theory could render these apps.

Iron Contributor

Really looking forward to seeing the Yealink Display. A dedicated piece of hardware as a digital PA definitely has use case for me personally with the new work from home paradigm. 


@JohnW_AU @John Meredith Teams Displays are an evolution of devices many people already have, which is IP Desk phones, and esp. video phones. FYI there are > 23M IP desk phones sold annually WW, and that number is growing.  Many people like having a dedicated, purpose built, always on and always connected device available to quickly make calls and join meetings.  While we think there is a great use case for simpler desk phones, and we have our Teams Phones experience for that, we also believe that there is a great opportunity to evolve video phones to be broader companion devices, delivering more of the value of Microsoft 365 in addition to calling and meetings.  That is what the Teams Displays experience will do, again on always on, always connected, purpose built devices. Relative to video phones, which can cost $500-800, the Lenovo ThinkSmart View is very attractively priced at $350.  Also, an $89 tablet would not work well, as it would have very poor audio and video performance, and not nearly enough CPU / GPU to provide advanced capabilities in Teams, such as background blur. 

Brass Contributor

Ooft! You can tell Panos and the Surface team have kept out the loop on this clunker!

Brass Contributor

A Teams Display/Stream Deck mashup would be pretty kewl. TeamsDeck? Take my money! :lol:


Copper Contributor

Will work with both Windows and Mac desktop client?

Brass Contributor

So as Microsoft start rolling out Teams for consumers, will this sort of device find its way into kitchens and living rooms like Facebook Portal? 


Seems really expensive in comparison to Portal, which can also be used for Workplace by Facebook.

Copper Contributor

I have a test demo of the Lenovo ThinkSmart View and not seeing an update in the Teams admin portal to this yet. I'm on a UK tenant, any ideas when this will be available?


Also to note, this device runs Android 8.1, which with our MDM and MAM security policies is below the minimum version 9.0 our Security have requested.

I agree with the remarks about using a tablet instead. This device offers very very little over any tablet, the sound quality maybe slightly better than a tablet. Thats it. The camera isn't great either, pixelated image for other meeting participants, as it uses the dynamic view Teams offers and ends up using digital zoom.

Brass Contributor

@michaelcobden my point exactly. Thank you for validating my assumptions. And I would not compare a cheap Android tablet with an (often expensive yet qualitative) iOS device. I was mainly wondering if I could simply add the app/software to my iPad. I have it on my desk in its dock, has a great display with touch, acceptable camera and built-in sound. What's being said here is that I should use the same iPad budget for a rather average user experience with average hardware which cannot be used for other purposes. None the less, I like thinking ahead constructively with the community. 


@Ilya Bukshteyn what I mean is that within my network (of >2000 professionals; all levels up to C-level) I have never met anyone with a video-desk phone. But what I do know is that 90% of them own an expensive, high-end tablet. If they could use this software, than we could talk about added value - and free. Or even ask money for the app - but please, no $350.


@michaelcobden Teams display will be available later this year and we will provide more details on timeline in coming months.


I use a Teams displays 7-8 hours a day, our tests and customer feedback don't show the pixelated video that was mentioned, sounds like you may have a bug or other issues which we would love to help with, please use customer feedback channels and tell us more. Thank you! 


We spoke with many users who wanted to use their PCs for deep work, while using a dedicated meeting/chat/Teams screen that is always on, with good quality audio and video for calls and meetings and ability to glance at what is happening at work and staying on top of their busy day. Cortana and voice is an added modality that helps users perform many useful tasks without taking their hands off their PC keyboard, from joining a meeting, to calling or sending messages to a contact, viewing Teams and channels, checking their calendar or meetings for any day, navigating the app and many more tasks, completely hands-free.   


@Tim Banting Thanks for the feedback on Teams for consumer. It is noted. 


@ArranP01 for our initial release, we focused on providing added value to make Teams displays work great with PCs in terms of lock/unlock and sharing context and content between the two so when you add Teams displays to your device collection, your life becomes easier. your feedback is noted and thank you.  

Copper Contributor

Teams is annoying (and inaccurate) by changing your status. You can be sitting at your computer on a call via your cell phone that doesn't necessarily require that you to use your computer. If you're on that call for 5 minutes, your Teams status now shows you "away" even though your computer is NOT in away/sleep/lock screen/timeout mode. This should not be happening. The only time the status should automatically change to away is when your computer goes into one of the aforementioned modes.  Any chance this feedback can be forwarded on to the appropriate design team in hopes of an update/improvement being made?  I've read several posts on other sites (in addition to feedback from co-workers) of this being a broad problem.  Thanks.

Brass Contributor

I own a Lenovo ThinkSmart View device- when would I can expect new experience to be rolled out?

Copper Contributor

@Kapila Munaweera 
I have been informed to expect it in September for UK. Other countries I am unaware. 
You will have the choice to keep as a Teams phone or change to a Teams display and install the update/firmware. 

Copper Contributor

So i absolutely see the value in a dedicated device. We are testing one of the Lenovo devices now and have a few questions about the upcoming update/firmware.


1. When will it be available for the US to test? 

2. Will it allow other meeting apps to be used besides Teams? My clients and vendors use other systems besides Teams and i would like to be able to join Zoom/Webex....... Looks like it is just a locked down Android tablet so i would assume the apps are there. 

3. Will there be additional capabilities to dial in by clicking on a phone number in a message/meeting invite? Today it is limited in that i cannot click to dial. 


I am really looking forward to this as I use Teams all day and having a dedicated device will be great to replace my desk phone. Could be great for my company as well. I am hoping the the coming update will unlock a lot of great features. 

1. We expect this to be available for test this calendar year.

2. The Teams displays will run Teams natively. We do not have other apps running on it.

3. Click to dial is a feature that we will add to our backlog.

Copper Contributor

The source code is available on Lenovo's website so I would think someone might be able to get "other apps" to run on the device. 

I currently have one. The quality of the calls and video are great, the only issue is the functionality. Currently I can't see any of my chats, teams, meeting history, and not aware of my laptop at all. It is basically just a Teams Phone and also shows my calendar. I'm hoping with these software updates it will become more useful soon. 

@Microsoft_Teams_team Any updates when this device will get updated in North America (Canada)?


Lenovo ThinkSmart View Downloads 

Copper Contributor

In the Teams Admin Center there is also an option to set your update frequency to make sure all your devices get the update when they are available. 

Currently there are none available though.





@azanoncello the device is not designed to run apps other than the purpose built Teams app.  Doing anything else, even if you can, will put you out of warranty and out of support. 

Right now you are indeed running the Teams phone app on the device.  The Teams Displays app, which as announced will have the other capabilities you mention, is coming soon, and will be available to all of these devices as an update. 

Brass Contributor

I want this to work:

  • in a boardroom.  Specifically the 'chair' of a board meeting doesn't sit in front of the Teams Meeting Room Console, but that's the only place to see who is raising their hand (the large display on the wall only shows 'one or more hands were raised').  This would allow the 'chair' to see who is raising their hand, without needing to run Teams (Audio Off) on their laptop.
  • in dozens of tiny meeting rooms (for 1-3 people), shared by anyone.  This allows deskless staff to jump on a Teams call without needing to bring a laptop or smartphone to the room (some staff don't have such devices assigned to their role).
  • as a personal device in every closed-door office (likely not open-space cubicles, but possibly if the cost can go down)

The following issues are preventing me:

  1. For a boardroom or meeting room (shared space setting) there's no settings to auto-sign out after a configured timeout, a prompt to sign out after a meeting ends, or even just a one-tap Sign out button.  You can't put this in a shared space if there's a risk of users leaving them room with their account still signed in. 
  2. It takes 3 taps to Sign out and even 2 taps to do a Hot desk (which doesn't offer the immediacy of Sign out) :sad:
  3. You can bypass the PIN lock screen by tapping Hot desk, then cancelling out of signing in :facepalm:
  4. Lenovo's power outlet is too big to easily fit in a recessed outlet (the kind you often find integrated in a board room / meeting room table)
  5. Lenovo's device runs on Android 8.  Really?  In an enterprise environment where MDM policies block you from using old OSes for security reasons?  More importantly, a device like this needs to be like an IP phone and last for 6-10 years.  Running on Android 8 (which likely means it will never be updated) suggests a short, expensive lifecycle for the device.
  6. Lenovo's device only offers Bluetooth for a headset when a phono jack would allow a simple wired connection, such as inexpensive earbuds to be used

You're on to something.  I want to make it work.  It needs much refinement to sell me.

Silver Contributor

They are positioning/advertising this as a personal display/organizer, not a shared device.

Copper Contributor

@Ilya Bukshteyn Thanks. That's great to hear its coming. Really looking forward to it. 


For anyone that is watching there was an update release Aug 30, 2020 8PM EST. My device still hasn't received the update yet but I'm hoping it brings some new features. Seems to be Update #5 according to the KB article. 

Copper Contributor

@Ilya Bukshteyn is the Microsoft display app still not available for the Lenovo device? Therefore, all these are still not available correct? Chat and file sharing; always-on ambient display support for notifications; and Better Together. Can anyone confirm please? When do you think they will be available? Thank you.

Copper Contributor

@azanoncello Update #5 is still not the Microsoft Teams Display application, correct? you don't have access to the above features I just names, right?

Copper Contributor

Last question on my side: does anyone know if the device support free Microsoft Teams accounts? Thank you.


@alaasaayed the Microsoft Teams Display experience is still coming soon, not yet released.  Better Together is supported both on Teams Displays and Teams Phones.  Neither will support login with Microsoft Accounts (vs. M365 accounts) at this time. 

Copper Contributor



I have a question. I just got a Lenovo ThinkSmart VIew, but the firmware on it doesn't look anything like the pictures here. Doesn't include the chat option etc. are these functions expected in an upcoming firmware release or did I get my device too early and will miss this functionality? My display identifies as "Phones" in the Teams admin center and the section Teams displays is missing from my admin center. whats the roll out timeline like?




@Hasse Edqvist this is coming very soon in a FW / SW update for your device. 

Copper Contributor

Any new updates on a release date?


Thank you


@Jaime Chavez We are in final preparations for release and expect it before end of the year. Stay tuned. 

Brass Contributor

I've discovered you can't raise your hand or see if others have raised their hand - when functionality gaps exist between one device and another, it makes it harder to adopt this.  Needs frequent restarts (others complain of bad video and sound quality until I restart it).  The idea is promising but right now this is not ready for an enterprise.


Hi @skish and thanks for your feedback. Raise hand, and many other features are included in Teams displays releasing later this year. A user can raise their hand and view other users if they raise their hand. No frequent restart is needed and device is always on. We would like to hear about any audio or video issues you have been experiencing so please use your customer feedback channels to send us that feedback and we will investigate if any.   

Copper Contributor

Hi @ArashG,

Any news on when the software update will be coming - I received my ThinkSmart View today (retail device) and it doesn't have any other advertised features.


Copper Contributor

@MattNolan  I updated my ThinkSmart View to the Teams display software using these instructions, and I'm really enjoying the new features.


Thanks @JRPattison@MattNolan  the device you received was pre-loaded a while ago, that's just reality with HW.  Your system admin has to invoke the SW upgrade from Teams Admin Center. 

Copper Contributor

Thanks @Ilya Bukshteyn , @JRPattison trying that now.

Copper Contributor

@Ilya Bukshteyn , are there any plans to update the call experience to be closer to the meeting experience. For example, it would be useful if I could answer a call on the Teams Display and then bring in my desktop if I need to share my screen.

@MattNolan Better together will be enabled early next year so users can use either PC or display to act on the calls from either PC or display. In this case, even when video/audio are routed to your display, you can start sharing from PC. Even without better together, we are looking into a feature where you can add a second device to current call or transfer call to another device. Your scenario will be covered by either of these features.

Copper Contributor

I just updated my Lenovo View with the new software. So much better with functionality. Great job and thank for the update on the Better together details. Looking forward to that as it will be a great addition.

Copper Contributor

Can BYOD policies be set for Teams Display devices similar to cell phones?  Individual consumers may be willing to pay for device that makes working from home a little easier even if their employer is not.  Consultants that work for several organizations may also desire their own device that can access accounts with multiple organizations on a single device that isn't a cell phone.  

Copper Contributor

@KruthikaPonnusamy  Teams seems to be a resource hog on a PC.  Will better together offload some of that to the second device so that PC performance doesn't suffer as much?

Copper Contributor

The functionality of this device continues to improve. Took a while but it's getting there now. 

I can start calls on the display and transfer to the computer easily now. Most of the time I use the Thinksmart View for the audio/video portion of the call and then I use my computer to share screen or chat with. The two are "aware" of each other through bluetooth now. Also has the added benefit that you can see what the audience sees when you are sharing something from the computer or you can choose to continue to see the other people in the call.

Update #6 is out now. Looking forward to Update #7.

Copper Contributor

So I just realized that there is a difference between "Teams phone" and "Teams Display". The Lenovo ThinkSmart View seems to be the only device that supports both modes. Looks like a difference between update vs upgrade. So you can upgrade and get this functionality now.

I don't get the update through this method on my Lenovo ThinkSmart:
(I tried with 3 tenants with no luck....) Firmware CD-18781Y.200410.067
No updates available ....

I'm still on 1449/ , so now new Teams Display interface.

Anyone some tricks to get the new versions

Brass Contributor

Hi there,

I've been digging through the documentation but I haven't come across an answer for a couple of my questions:

1. Is it possible to permanently mute audio and mic on the device? Basically I want this to exist in a HUGE TMR room for folks in the back to have the option to join and view content a bit closer & be a camera in the room. 

2. Is it possible to turn OFF the 'leave a note' option on the screen?

3. Is it possible to lock the device to be only on the calendar view. For my scenario the big blocky phone-like experience was a bit better. Wish I could un-upgrade, but leaving the device on Calendar view works well too!





Hi @Jody Finch For item one, you could use Coordinated Join with the MTR and the URI of the Teams Display.  That will bring that into the meeting without audio/video, but you'll get content.

Version history
Last update:
‎Jan 26 2021 12:03 PM
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