Using UsbCApiCmd for basic USB Type-C validation
Published Oct 12 2018 03:53 PM 6,844 Views
Copper Contributor

First published on MSDN on Feb 01, 2017
Authored by Michelle Bergeron [MSFT]

UsbCApiCmd is a simple tool that you can use for basic validation of your Type-C implementation on Windows.


Who can use UsbCApiCmd?

UsbCApiCmd is applicable only to USB Type-C Connectors which use Microsoft's USB Type-C Stack, the USB Connector Manager. UcmCx.sys needs to be loaded and running on the system. The tool is not applicable to systems which use other methods to manage the USB Type-C ports.


How to get UsbCApiCmd

UsbCApiCmd is included in the MUTT Software Package.


How to use UsbCApiCmd

Open a command prompt or PowerShell window on the system with the USB Type-C connector(s) you wish to validate. Run UsbCApiCmd.exe.

For as long as the program is running, the console will print out information about the USB Type-C connectors on the system that are registered with the USB Connector Manager (UcmCx). It will also print out information about detected Attach/Detach events on a connector. You can use it to validate that the Type-C software is seeing the events that you expect it to.

To stop execution, you may press Ctrl+C.

The below example is from a system using UCSI to manage its connectors with Windows. It has not detected any attach or detach events since the program started running.

Version history
Last update:
‎Jan 23 2019 09:46 AM
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