Recent DiscussionsNewest TopicsMost LikesSolutionsSigning VBA in Word Hello. I am attempting to sign VBA in a Word file. I imported a PFX file to my Personal Certificates (via edge://settings/privacy). I also confirmed the import via certmgr.msc (it's there under Personal...Certificates) This PFX is used for a server TLS which I maintain (in addition to the server leaf cert, the PFX contains the intermediate and root self-signed organization certs...both are pre-loaded in everybody's Windows Trust Stores). So my thinking is to sign the VBA with this server PFX then via chain of trust, the VBA signature will be verified when walked back to the root by the client. Anyway, in MS Word...Developer....Tools...Digital Signature.... when I choose "Sign as" and Choose button, I get the "No usable signing certificates are available" Anybody have any ideas? I've googled all over and all day.. Does the "Certificate intended purpose" have anything to do with it not being available? thank you so much for reading. Find members of O365 Group with vba? Hello. If you have a minute, I used to use LDAP to query proxyAddress for specific (on-prem) AD user accounts. Now I was trying to query O365 groups for members. However, I think LDAP is out. At least when I try objectCategory='Group' on the same instance, I don't return the groups which I see in GAL on my outlook client. I guess there would be a way if vba creates an outlook instance, etc to read the GAL. Is there any way to query O365 group members from cloud AD in server based code? thank you very much. Site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings Hello. if you have a minute, I'm getting "Can't connect securely to this page. This might be because the site (Domino url) uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings". This is Edge IE mode. I've checked the Internet Settings and TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 are all checked and I've seemingly tried everything else on the internet regarding this error (clearing cache, etc). Anyways, in summary... 1. was provided self-signed cert/private key in pfx file by the organization 2. used openssl to convert pfx to pem (NOTE: when first attempting, received an error that openssl does not support RC2, so used the -legacy parameter to allow openssl to convert to pem) 3. Converted pem to txt file and had to fix the order of certificate nodes in the txt file to server-intermediate-root. 4. Imported the txt file into Domino keyring file, verified using their tool and it said everything cool. 5. Pointed Domino to that keyring.kyr file, opened SSL port (443), restarted server. 6. Get "Can't connect securely to this page. This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS settings". I tried all the internet options and client stuff. Oh, the client is running IE mode in Edge. Secondly, there is a call to a tomcat servlet over http on the page (via javascript). Would that mess this up somehow? I did enable "display mixed elements" in the Internet Options-zone custom security settings. I wouldn't think that would do anything anyway as the setting is for embedded elements. It's throwing the TLS error on the generic Domino login page. Thank you so much. Trying to mimic Outlook Recent Items list in VBA Dialog Box Hello. I am trying some VBA code in LotusScript to point the default directory of an OpenFileDialog to %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\ I am thinking that this should return the recents as a convenience like Outlook does when attaching files to email (12 Recent Items display). However, this directory is empty (contents presumably hidden) when I access via FileOpenDialog and accessing directly via File Explorer. Is there no way to view the files listing Outlook is able to see, display and allow access to (at least as far as attaching) via it's own Recent Items list? Thank you very much for reading. Have a good day. Trying to mimic Outlook Recent Items list in VBA Dialog Box Hello. I am trying some VBA code in LotusScript to point the default directory of an OpenFileDialog to %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\ I am thinking that this should return the recents as a convenience like Outlook does when attaching files to email (12 Recent Items display). However, this directory is empty (contents presumably hidden) when I access via FileOpenDialog and accessing directly via File Explorer. Is there no way to view the files listing Outlook is able to see, display and allow access to (at least as far as attaching) via it's own Recent Items list? Thank you very much for reading. Have a good day. Windows 10...IE 11...32-bit? Hello. If anybody has a minute, I have some sites requiring 32-bit IE. in Windows 7, i created a second IE 32-bit shortcut (C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe) and it launched a strictly IE-11, 32-bit. In Windows 10, the same procedure seems to launch 64-bit, despite the shortcut property to x86. The Task Manager does not indicate any difference between the launched 64-bit and 32-bit instances. Both list iexplore.exe (nothing indicating 32 bit). I've read stuff about internet Opetions, checking/unchecking Enhanced Protected Mode but that does nothing, and it sounds kind of weird to have to do that anyway. 1. Is there a way to verify bitness of an open IE 11 instance on Windows 10? 2. Despite that, I fear its launching 64-bit anyway, despite the path executable. How are you able to set up a 32-bit only IE shortcut as perfomred in Windows 7? Thank you so much for reading. Edige IE mode, 32-bit? Hello. if you have a minute,I have several business apps requiring 32-bit IE as opposed to 64-bit. Is is possible to configure IE mode in Edge for 32-bit IE? I reviewed this article... Secondly, is it possible to enable ActiveX, etc in Edge IE-mode in what is the IE "Internet Options..Security" tab? I fear/dread that since Edge is 64-bit, the 32-bit thing didn't come up when allowing IE-mode for Edge. Thank you so much for reading.