Recent DiscussionsNewest TopicsMost LikesSolutionsphysicalMemoryInBytes always returns 0 I followed the blog below, Here is my API endpoint.'1111-2222-3333-abc4-55aa55bb55')?$select=id,physicalMemoryInBytes Here is the response, {"@odata.context":"$metadata#deviceManagement/managedDevices(id,physicalMemoryInBytes)/$entity","id":"1111-2222-3333-abc4-55aa55bb55","physicalMemoryInBytes":0} The expected response is 32GB (in bytes). Can someone please help?
Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: Enabling ServiceNow Integration with Copilot for Microsoft 365 - HLS Copilot Snacks Thank you for reply. I checked with my Azure Admin. Here is what I got. It looks like I don't see that "Search All" tab in the connector configuration. I don't see that option in Copilot eit...Re: Enabling ServiceNow Integration with Copilot for Microsoft 365 - HLS Copilot Snacks I haven’t received a response on this yet. We also submitted a ticket with Microsoft Support, and it appears they have no clue either. Re: Enabling ServiceNow Integration with Copilot for Microsoft 365 - HLS Copilot Snacks ThanksMichaelGannotti I have sent a message to Maria on Linked in. I truly appreciate you guys helping with this. Once I get this working on our side, it will be a huge..huge thing that everyone is...Re: Enabling ServiceNow Integration with Copilot for Microsoft 365 - HLS Copilot Snacks I followed the steps to configure the ServiceNow-Ticket connector and published it to a limited group of users. The indexing (sync) completed successfully. However, when users visit https://copilot....