Storyline in Viva Engage and Microsoft 365 is now generally available
Published Oct 12 2022 09:00 AM 18.4K Views

Microsoft Viva Engage brings people together to connect in communities, join discussions, discover and share knowledge, and find belonging at work. Viva Engage also introduces storyline and stories, where you can share updates and experiences, celebrate milestones, and showcase your work. Learn more about coworkers from their storylines, and follow interesting people across the organization from the Storylines feed in Viva Engage and Yammer. You can also catch up with posts from people you follow in your inbox, Teams activity, and Viva Connections feed. Storyline is now generally available.



Find storylines from across your organization in Viva Engage in Teams desktop, web, and mobile.


On your storyline, you can share posts—which can include attachments, links, images and video as well as text—and, coming soon, stories. Stories, which will become available for public preview later this month, are a modern, engaging way to capture the moment, with short videos or photos that are showcased in a stories carousel. Storyline and stories help to strengthen personal connections between colleagues in a time when people frequently work across different locations and even time zones.



Storyline experiences across Microsoft 365


You’ll find your storyline, and posts and stories from coworkers, across a number of popular Microsoft apps. Including:


Viva Engage


The Viva Engage app in Teams offers the full storyline experience. You can view posts, follow people, get notifications, and share your own updates all from one place. A dedicated tab called Storylines brings together storyline posts and stories from across your organization. You can also pin the Engage app in Teams for quick access.




Viva Connections

Catch up with the latest storyline posts from people you follow in the Viva Connections feed.





You can choose to see the latest posts from people you follow in your inbox, and engage or reply without leaving Outlook. You can also share to your storyline directly from Outlook with the New Storyline Post command. And soon, the Communities app for Outlook will inherit the Viva Engage brand.


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View, create, follow, and respond natively within the Yammer web and mobile experiences. You can also install the Yammer desktop experience (PWA) for a Windows version.




Get Started Using Storyline


There are countless ways to use storyline to share what you’re passionate about, amplify your work, and discover what your coworkers are sharing. Here are a few tips to help you get started posting to your storyline:


  • Introduce yourself! Upload a short video or write a post introducing yourself, including your skills, hobbies, and interests.


  • Ask a question. Get answers and opinions and get the conversation moving by asking a question. You can even designate your preferred response by marking a best answer.


  • Share where you’ve been. Share highlights, pictures, or videos from a recent meet up with co-workers, customers, or a trip you’ve gone on.


  • Share your experiences. Share what you’ve been learning about your customers, products, services or company.


  • Follow people. Stay connected to leaders and coworkers by following them from their storyline or directly from your home feed or the Storylines feed.


  • See your followers. Head to your storyline to view a list of who is following you.


For more tips and best practices on how use storyline, boost visibility on your posts, and gain followers, check out our new Storyline Playbook and other Viva Engage resources.


Go Further with Premium Experiences


New capabilities are coming soon to Viva suite customers who use storyline. In time, licensed Viva users will be able to share storyline posts on behalf of another user. Viva customers will also be manage leader storyline posts and content in leadership corner. Learn more about what’s possible with leadership corner. Soon, leaders and their delegates will be able to access advanced analytics to see a variety of personal and organizational analytics relating to how content is performing in Viva Engage.



Stay connected to leadership teams in Leadership Corner.


A handful of these premium features are immediately available for you to preview without any premium licenses required. The preview includes:


  • Conversation insights for storyline – Users see detailed metrics for conversations they’ve posted to their storyline including impressions, reactions, and comments.


  • Storyline digest –collects unseen storyline posts from followed people and sends it to the user once per week in an email or notification in Teams.


  • Post on behalf of (POBO) for storyline –POBO delegates can be given additional privilege of posting to the assigning user’s storyline.


  • Custom cover photo – This feature allows users to customize their user profile page by uploading a photo to be the background image for the header of their user profile page.


These preview features can be enabled on the Manage storyline page in Viva Engage and Yammer.




Catch up on the latest Viva news


To learn more about other Viva news and announcements for Ignite, watch the Ignite session Microsoft Viva: Latest innovations and roadmap for the new digital employee experience and read the blog post by Seth Patton.


-Michael Holste

Michael Holste is a senior product marketing manager for Viva Engage.

Version history
Last update:
‎Oct 11 2022 12:21 PM
Updated by: