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A member registered May 04, 2022

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Shubb maxxing 

You can exit to the main menu and then continue. Should fix the problem, dumb solution but it works so its not really that dumb. 

Amazing game! I really love the upgrade system and the tetris food minigame is so satisfying. Gameplay is super satisfying. (I play on steam demo version! Go wishlist it the rest of ya'll!)

But is fire mode meant to be possible .-.

I managed to get to the boss fight but my tank (took 2 attacks) and mage (took 1 attack) managed to die in a single turn.  Im gonna keep trying but jesus the dmg output even a minion does is crazy...

Drop rates must be kinda low for the rite of red ash cuz i looted that guy like 10 times. Either that or im very unlucky. Im assuming its the demon that he summons?

It has been done. Could've gone further and I wouldn't have lost but I proved what I wanted. I was able to stop aiming and just click on cards and win! 

The general build (I kinda just switched out 1 artifact a lot)

I have found the over powered strategy!

Summons are honestly super op, esp with 5 mana cost cementary that you can loot from lich. Skeletons are also super great.

How the strat works: 

Pick creed of impulse, you will need the mana regen and won't be aiming at the end. Any boss that spawns extra enemies you take a card, otherwise take an artifact. Take mana artifacts (most summons cost 3+), and mostly filler is fine. 

If you see gravekeeper don't loot a card, loot for artifact. He has a reasonable drop chance for a spade (it might even be guaranteed if you don't have it), and space gives u +3 dmg with little boss empowering. 

Good bosses to loot:

Keeper of Cantharus: He has a laser summon! free dmg

Mucelian Patriach: Has a blight spawn that is good for tanking

Ash dude (forgor his name): He has a wizard summon who shoots fireballs.

Melee Bosses really like going after your summons, which means they stop being so much of a problem! You can kinda just sit back and just dodge the aoe weaponry after you start spawning in your army.

Ranged bosses just get overwhelmed and brutally slaughtered. 

Basically built my own raid force by taking only summons.

I would've gone further if I had more time (died intentionally just to get to the end screen). Will send an update of how far I can get.

Very fun, butcher op pls nerf

Game got a lot easier after getting a couple of artifacts (namely damage). Got a couple of flat dmg artifacts, the prism artifact (+4 dmg super op) and a +30% dmg artifact.

I then swapped all my skills to either 0 cost dashing skills, or beam skills (cuz of artifact). This allowed for pretty easy kills, as I could dodge a bit more with the extra dashes from moves but unfort got beaten by the butcher who just jumped me so much my stamina ran out and my dash attacks weren't large enough to evade. (the run was done on creed of impulse for more mana regen to spam)


It would be nice to try and make how artifacts work explained a bit more, I don't quite know what "duration" is, nor how increasing boss damage would do anything (as each hit only takes 1 heart). A more in depth explanation of all these abilities and what they do would be nice!

It did somewhat bother me that you always had to swap something after winning, but I realized that the theme of the game is kleptomancy and it would be dumb for me to suggest allowing you to skip. 


It gets much easier to kill the bosses once you have damage, so much so that the first 1-3 bosses are more likely to kill me than any other boss. Would be nice to have bosses nerfed, but have much stronger powerspikes as you grow, to keep the challenge.

Minion hp: Some feel immortal (they might be I have no idea), some end up cluttering the screen to the point where you can't walk (little green blob mine things). 

Overall great game! It was very fun, albeit extremely challenging. 

Very fun! So far my best is round 40, but i'll def beat that knowing which augments to not take. 

Random side note: pressing j and k at the same time instantly kills you. No idea if this is intentional but i found it by accident.

That was tough. 

So close to a 3 turn win vs the final boss

beat day 9 in 1 turn though

Killed the final boss on turn 4 of the fight. 60 dmg turns nearly guarenteed.


join the discord for tips lol

(not sponsored i just like this game)

I'm simply too good. Solo wyrmlet. kneel to your wormgod.

ya'll really sleeping on my boy snek. like, before t3 he is kinda bad. but t3 is literally s tier. bruh give him hydrastrike and his poison goes through the roof. i've seen his poison doing hundreds. literally ripped through the final boss in seconds.

Found a bug. the mirror dudes who steal your ability will actually keep it if you don't kill them...

the base stats of said tuskal

When tuskal only needs 10 mana so he has like 10 stacks of his buff on him. killed the boss in 15 seconds. 

if only i also had a no cooldown turn around. would've been so much funnier.

No cooldown free cast smoke bomb. this is power.

I believe in tank supremacy once again.

Tier 4 haunted synergy lesgo

The best defense is a good offense.  also tactical hydrim + super life force is good also. 

3 max tier monsters lesgo

Made sure to not hatch the crab until practically just before the final boss, made it so i wouldn't die of wounds quickly in the later levels.

(1 edit)

me when i put this on mudgill: >:D

nah part of the 25 heal gives it 5 strength for the battle also... so i decided it would be funny to get it to max attack.

lol found the stat cap... 999 atk baby

(3 edits)

LMAO found a glitch. Destroyer (the cannon boss) can't kill urso if urso has the shakeoff ability, urso simply stays at 25 hp (takes death worthy dmg and heals back to 25) its gotten me stuck in a loop bc destroyer is perma stunning but i can't die so i'll be here for a while until my urso has some massive stats

(1 edit)

yeah it was great. killed the tail in a matter of seconds, pyris kinda op ngl, he stacks so fast and does so much so easily. was kinda funny, managed to get the boss to 0 speed with slagg, made it so much easier. great game!

the stats

I refuse to add more monsters. base monster supremacy. finally got slime to kill the final boss using his near 200 defense + item that does 200% his defense when he uses his active.  lesgo, who needs atk based monsters lmao

would've been able to kill the final boss if i had put some damage on him... was nigh unkillable tho

love the game, its super active and really fun to play. the dev team is super interactive and the discord is great!

Very good game, made very well, active dev team. honestly i play it a lot its really fun. Join the discord its a nice place :)

sad about the sparrow nerf but tbh expected and needed

dash damage scales LESGO