A downloadable game


Amogu & co. make their way from your phone to the computer! WOW!!1! In this prequel to the hit game Amogu Clicker,  you can play as anybody!* Play as the smart and decisive Amogu, or the zany and goofy Emoji Guy! Also Minon is there, with his hamster who's magic because if it wasn't that would be boring. Wait, I thought hamster was spelt hampster? I've been deceived! Tricked! MY LIFE IS A LIE!!! In other news, there's some evil in this seemingly bright and colorful world. Everything is not as it seems. There's something...sinister. Oh no. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! The dastardly Squirrel King, technological mastermind! The Charlatan, as ignoble as ever! And just when you thought things couldn't get worse, you see him. GREENIE WEENIE!!!! Luckily, all hope is not lost. The well-known Help Man will aid you on your quest to take down those villains once and for all!** For a price, of course. Hey, gotta make a living somehow.


Its an RPG, idiot! What do you expect, a visual novel? Platformer? A slot machine gambling game? IT SAYS RPG IN THE TITLE!!! But the gambling one does sound funny. Anyways grinding is optional, but it helps. This is because screw those games that are ridiculously easy until the first boss where you have to grind for a fucking hour because then you can out heal them and it takes 30 minutes until they die and then you get 1 xp for your troubles! It will be balanced! Trust me, I'm using a engine from 2015, which is only outdated by 9 years. Also, I got play testers who are dedicated. Me! Plus, there are going to be some different things. Just kidding, that would require things like "effort" and "creativity" and and "work ethic". What do I look like, a competent game developer?!


WHAT?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!??! FREE BACKGROUNDS?!?!?!?!? NO WAY!!! That's right, when you purchase the game you can get a currently undetermined amount of backgrounds, similar to the one you're looking at in this page's background right now!!  WOW! What a HOT deal! Find them in the "backgrounds" folder that comes with the game! Do any of them they relate to the game?  


That doesn't make sense. Anyways, the game might take a bit to release. I haven't used any form of RPG maker before, so sucks to be you hahahahahaahahsasdsdhboakls, jmlnelilwdjcni;el/jkwefnc. HOWEVER I've got a good amount of the "art" done,  and all of the "story" done, and the beginning of the game done, so cool! And, even better, apparently it will be able to release on Windows, Mac, on the web AND for android! Not console though.


(I know the game isn't out yet. Shut up.)

"Amogu RPG isn't just a game; it's a rollercoaster of epic proportions, and at the heart of this adventure are the unforgettable trio of protagonists. First up, we have Amogu, the main character and an absolute beast with a gun. He's the epitome of cool, the star of the show, and the driving force behind every jaw-dropping moment. Then there's Emoji Guy, a quirky wizard armed with ancient magic fueled by MP (money points). He's the comic relief, injecting humor into even the direst situations. Last but not least, there's Minon, the enigmatic character with a magic hamster. While he doesn't say a word and his motives remain shrouded in mystery, his healing abilities and enemy debuffs make him a strangely valuable asset, even if he contributes nothing else.
As our trio embarks on their journey, they find themselves constantly under attack by a rogues' gallery of villains. The Squirrel King, an evil technological mastermind with an insatiable love for acorns, orchestrates diabolical schemes.  The Charlatan, who is a cunning scammer who tries to trick the trio every chance he gets. And then there's the worst of them all, Greenie Weenie – a despicable mastermind whose actions leave destruction in their wake. Greenie Weenie is as vile as they come, and his henchmen, composed of business men, women, and even business children, amplify the chaos.  With a cunning grin and a penchant for devious deeds, Greenie Weenie's nefarious antics must be stopped by our valiant trio.
Enter Help Man, the unsung hero and owner of Help Mart. His hot deals and a vast inventory of items aid Amogu on his perilous journeys.  Whether it's potions, weapons, or cool hats, Help Man ensures our trio is always equipped to face the next challenge. With Help Mart's diverse offerings, every adventurer is bound to find just what they need at unbeatable prices.
Now, let's talk about the rating – Amogu RPG is a stellar 12/10 experience! The game's combination of intense action, hilarious moments, and unpredictable twists keeps you on the edge of your seat. The characters are charismatic, the villains are diabolically entertaining, and Help Man's deals are too good to pass up. It's a wild ride that transcends the boundaries of traditional RPGs. In fact, this game is so engrossing that even Toast Bomba, who kidnapped me and stashed me in his basement, couldn't tear me away from it. But hey, who needs freedom when you have Amogu RPG to play?"

-Chat GPT


By downloading this game, you are agreeing that Toast Bomba and others affiliated with this game are not responsible for any form of confusion, dizziness, skin rash/dermatitis, diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, dry mouth, headache, memory loss, internal bleeding, seizures, burns, brain damage, dismemberment, a feeling of being watched, unrelenting nightmares, insomnia, spontaneous combustion, or death caused by Amogu RPG™.

*only applicable if anybody consists of only Amogu, Emoji Guy, and/or Minon

**not actually once and/or for all

Development log


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