English: Napoléon Diamond Necklace from the Smithsonian. The Napoléon necklace contains 234 colorless diamonds, totaling ~263 ct, set in silver and gold, with the largest stone weighting ~10.4 ct. It consists of 28 brilliant oval-cut diamonds from which are suspended a fringe of nine pendeloques, and 10 briolette diamonds. Additionally, there are five small brilliants mounted above five of the pendeloques, and the other four pendeloques are attached to motifs decorated with 23 and 12 brilliants, respectively (Figure 4). Each of the briolettes are set with 12 "roses de Hollande" diamonds.
Details about the necklace from the museum: http://mineralsciences.si.edu/collections/napoleonnecklace.htm
I took these at the museum myself. I live near Washington D. C. in Virginia. Cameras and taking photos are allowed at this museum exhibit.
copyright annemoss.com 2008
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Napoléon Diamond Necklace from the Smithsonian. I took these at the museum myself. I live near Washington D. C. in Virginia. Cameras and taking photos are allowed at this museum exhibit. copyright annemoss.com 2008 tags: napoleon diamond necklace, smi