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Displaying 101 - 150 of 868


Prodane vozovnice Approve this translation

Change access to kudos.

Omeji dostop do kudos. Approve this translation

Idea no longer exists

Ideja ne obstaja več Approve this translation

New Ticket Reply

Nov odgovor na zahtevku Approve this translation

New Comment

Nov komentar Approve this translation

New Kudo

Nov Kudo Approve this translation

New Forum

Nov forum Approve this translation

View this user in Inspector

Ogled uporabnika v Inspectorju Approve this translation

All tickets

Vsi zahtevki Approve this translation


Nepooblaščeno Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to the %{queue} Support Queue

Prejemate to sporočilo, ker ste naročeni na %{queue} Podpora Queue Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you chose to get notified of tickets assigned to you

Prejemate to sporočilo, ker ste se odločili, da bi dobili uradno vstopnic, dodeljenih za vas Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to unassigned tickets

To sporočilo prejemate, ker ste naročeni na prejemanje obvestil o nedodeljenih vprašanjih Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to this ticket

To sporočilo prejemate, ker ste naročeni na to vprašanje Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you chose to get notified of all new tickets

To sporočilo prejemate, ker ste se odločili, da prejmete obvestilo o vsakem novem vprašanju Approve this translation

Stop receiving emails for tickets assigned to %{queue}

Ne prejemaj več e-pošte dodeljene %{queue} Approve this translation

Unsubscribe from this ticket

Odjavi se od prejemanja obvestil tega podpornega vprašanja Approve this translation

Stop receiving emails for unassigned tickets

Več prejemati e-pošto za nezaseden vstopnic Approve this translation

Stop receiving emails for all new tickets

Ne prejemaj več epoštnih obvestil o vseh novih vprašanjih Approve this translation

%{time} min

1 %{time} min Approve this translation

Your Own

Vaši Approve this translation

Welcome Email

Dobrodošli E-pošta Approve this translation


(izberite) Approve this translation

Give feedback & Contact support

Dajte povratne informacije in se obrnite na podporo Approve this translation

Give feedback only

Dajte samo povratne informacije Approve this translation

Contact support only

Kontaktrajte samo podporo Approve this translation


1 Agent Approve this translation


1 Čakalna vrsta Approve this translation


Je Approve this translation

Is not

Ni Approve this translation


Med Approve this translation

Greater Than

Večja kot Approve this translation

Less Than

Less Than Approve this translation


Danes Approve this translation

You must select a value.

Izbrati morate vrednost. Approve this translation

Add Cc recipient

Dodaj Kp prejemnika Approve this translation

New Ticket Admin Reply

Nov zahtevek za podporo Admin odgovor Approve this translation

Custom statuses

Custom statusi Approve this translation

New ideas

Nove ideje Approve this translation

Unassign yourself from this ticket

Sami prekličite iz te vozovnice Approve this translation

Push Ticket

Push Ticket Approve this translation

The comment text of %{num} characters is too long. Maximum is %{maxlen}.

Dolžina besedila komentarja je %{num} znakov je predolga. Komentarji so lahko dolgi največ %{maxlen} znakov. Approve this translation

Email domain in different subdomain.

E-poštna domena v različnih poddomeno. Approve this translation

Email cannot match a support agent's email address

E-pošta se ne more primerjati snov, e-poštni naslov Approve this translation

Hide kudos, tracking pixels and anything else that would indicate that a ticket is not a personal email.

Skrij sloves, sledenje pik in karkoli drugega, ki bi kazala, da je vozovnica ni osebno e-pošto. Approve this translation

Must have (deal breaker)

Mora imeti (deal breaker) Approve this translation

Should have (not time critical)

Bi moral imeti (ni časovno kritičen) Approve this translation

Nice to have

Lepo, da so Approve this translation

New User Feedback

Nov uporabnik Povratne informacije Approve this translation

New Ticket Note

New Ticket Note Approve this translation