Error Pages
An error page informs a visitor when there is a problem accessing your site. Each type of problem has its own code. For example, a visitor who enters a nonexistent URL will see a 404 error, while an unauthorized user trying to access a restricted area of your site will see a 401 error.
Basic error pages are automatically provided by the web server (Apache). However, if you prefer, you can create a custom error page for any valid HTTP status code beginning in 4 or 5.
Step 1 - Select Domain to Manage Error Pages
Step 2 - Edit Error Pages for:
Click one of the common error pages below to edit:
Click one of the error pages below to edit:
- 400 (Bad request)
- 401 (Authorization required)
- 402 (Payment required)
- 403 (Forbidden)
- 404 (Not found)
- 405 (Method not allowed)
- 406 (Not acceptable)
- 407 (Proxy authentication required)
- 408 (Request timeout)
- 409 (Conflict)
- 410 (Gone)
- 411 (Length required)
- 412 (Precondition failed)
- 413 (Request entity too large)
- 414 (Request URI too large)
- 415 (Unsupported media type)
- 416 (Request range not satisfiable)
- 417 (Expectation failed)
- 422 (Unprocessable entity)
- 423 (Locked)
- 424 (Failed dependency)
- 500 (Internal server error)
- 501 (Not Implemented)
- 502 (Bad gateway)
- 503 (Service unavailable)
- 504 (Gateway timeout)
- 505 (HTTP version not supported)
- 506 (Variant also negotiates)
- 507 (Insufficient storage)
- 510 (Not extended)