28 August 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR and Empower School of Health celebrated a special occasion on August 23rd: the first graduation ceremony for their students who have completed the joint Postgraduate Diploma and Master of Science in Global Health Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

The event brought together students, faculty, families, and friends to honour the hard work and dedication that led to this milestone. A total of 132 future leaders from 28 countries gathered at the UNITAR Headquarters for this hybrid event. They were welcomed by Ambassadors, faculty, and high-level international civil servants to mark this special moment.

During the ceremony at UNITAR, visionary leaders in the field of global health addressed and congratulated the graduates, highlighting the critical importance and far-reaching impact of global health supply chains.

The day began with powerful speeches from Mr. Nikhil Seth, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UNITAR,  and continued with remarks from notable figures such as H.E. Dr. Jean-Pierre Baptiste, Ambassador of Chad; Mr. David Fernandez Puyana; Prof. Paul Lalvani; Mr. Marasi Mwencha; Prof. Andy Barraclough; Mr. Nicolas Tavagnutti; Dr. Ebru Canan-Sokullu; and Prof. Prashant Yadav, who shared their invaluable insights and inspired all in attendance.

The speakers emphasized that resilient and efficient supply chains are the backbone of public health, especially in times of crisis. They reminded the graduates that their work will play a vital role in ensuring that life-saving medicines, vaccines, and health products reach those who need them most, no matter where they are in the world.

Finally, the graduates proudly walked across the stage to receive their certificates, marking the culmination of their academic journey. At UNITAR, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to this remarkable group of graduates and wish them a future filled with professional achievements and abundant opportunities.


To learn more about the academic courses in collaboration with the Empower School of Health, visit:



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