Gauging interest in possible reboot

Hello everyone ! 

It's been a long while! Recently I've been feeling the visual novel itch more than usual, and after a few failed projects I've felt Midsummer's Night, my first foray into this medium calling to me. 

I would like to hear from you guys. Would you be interested in me picking up the VN backup and doing a full reboot? I've grown as a writer and artist so I feel like I should improve on the old before I write anything new. So that means new writing, sprites, and CGs! 

My main reasoning for wanting to pick the project back up would be that I'll soon have new sources of inspiration. I always took heavy inspiration from real-life experiences, and soon I will be moving abroad to study. Which means meeting new people and experiences, all of which will fuel my writer brain! 

Since I will be in university updates will come slowly, but that is to be expected of a solo project. To be quite honest, it was foolish of me to do a 3-route VN as my first ever project, but I've grown to like these characters and I would be excited for you all to see how I would evolve them.

So please, sound off in the comments! If this gets enough responses I'll seriously consider this!

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i would Love! to play this game again, and with a Reboot coming? Heck yeah Yes!!! :D



Yes! But please keep this version downloadable 😭🙏




Yes, please!


yes, just yes

The characters are great, so I say absolutely if you really think it's a project worth investing time and effort in!

I loved the characters, so I really would like to see them again, an obvious yes from me

I really enjoyed this novel. It invoked a surreal feel of calming nostalgia that few other novels could replicate. I'm very much looking forward to seeing this novel come back!

We are all cherring for you. I was initially sad when I first read about the hiatus, but I just knew you  were gonna come back to this fantastic project <3

Das VN habe ich bereits von Anfang an geliebt (Hyäne, Krokodil UND Wuffi in einem Spiel zur Auswahl? o.O Da hat man keine Wahl, als alle Routen zu gehen ... lol)

Auch meine Antwort wäre damit ein definitives - Ja!
Damit wäre ich zu gegebener Zeit höchstwarscheinlich von einem Gefühl der Freude übermannt.

Da wünsche ich schon einmal viel Glück und viel Erfolg für dein neuen Weg ;)

Viele Grüße

I loved the VN from the beginning (hyena, crocodile AND doggie to choose from in one game? o.O You have no choice but to take all the

My answer would also be a definite - yes!

I would most likely be overwhelmed by a feeling of joy in due course.

I wish you good luck and much success on your new path ;)

Best wishes

I am all for it, Midsummer is amazing!

Yooo this still lives. Yes sir!

The answer is absolutely yes, but do you also have any plans regarding Oblation? I would like to know because I have developed a certain fondness for the idea of the story and would like to know if it still has a future.

Right now I have no plans. Unless I get a really good idea for where to take the stroy I'm not planning on picking it back up

Awesome! Still, you could use the old elements as extras in the gallery or something :3

Oh most definitely!

yes please! : )

I'd like to see a reboot, maybe more emphasis on a 'slice of life' story


Yes, please! Your original story had a lot of promise and I am eager to read more!


Yes, although the best friend turn lover troupe has been done a lot of times, I really enjoyed the mood you create with them, it was fun to see, light hearted and hot, which is an amazing feat and seeing this with improved writing and art is gonna be amazing! You could try doing less branching or just like a regular route and a poly one, but anyway, Im hoping you do start working on this again cuz it was really good <3

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