Submit #262341: CXBSoft UrlShorting ≤v1.3.1 SQL Injectioninfo

TitleCXBSoft UrlShorting ≤v1.3.1 SQL Injection
DescriptionThe UrlShorting application, as of version v1.3.1, contains a SQL Injection vulnerability within the index.php file. Specifically, the 'url' parameter is directly concatenated into a SQL query, which allows for potential SQL Injection attacks. Attackers can exploit this by crafting malicious URL parameters, as demonstrated by the provided payload that uses a union select statement to retrieve the version of the database, indicating that the application is susceptible to SQL injection attacks.
 glzjin (ID 59815)
Submission04/01/2024 11:31 (9 months ago)
Moderation14/01/2024 17:29 (10 days later)
VulDB Entry250694

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