I make small games in godot and game dev tools that run in the browser. Almost all of my projects are open source and permissively licensed!
https://warsong.pages.dev/ - Warsong - FREE STUFF, there's even CC0 stuff!!!
https://wareya.itch.io/petaldust - Petaldust, a touhou fangame taking the form of a single-stage hardcore platformer with a chime-bouncing gimmick
https://wareya.itch.io/cirnos-perfect-snowglide - Cirno's Perfect Snowglide - a physics-heavy touhou fangame about going snowboarding
https://wareya.itch.io/swtone - swtone, a sound effect generator (like sfxr)
https://wareya.github.io/webtyler/ - webtyler, a tile sheet converter
I also make music and art, and contribute to larger open source projects.