70 million lives changed
15.2 million loans for water and sanitation disbursed through WaterCredit
$5.7 billion in loans disbursed by our partners for water and sanitation
98% of loans through WaterCredit are paid back
90% of borrowers are women
$387 is the average loan size

Partners make our work possible

We work with and through local partners to make WaterCredit self-sustaining, helping set-up a system that lasts long after our involvement ends. Once organizations start lending for water and sanitation, they are set up to continue lending. It’s a cycle that continues to reach more people.

Become a lending partner

We work with local financial institutions and other partners who understand the needs of their communities and are invested in their success. We provide technical assistance, connections, and small grants, as needed, so they can provide small loans to people in need of water and sanitation at home.


Help us change more lives through WaterCredit.
