4Culture Data Hub

We use data to help us understand the ever-evolving King County cultural sector and to learn how we can improve. Dig into our reports, studies, and research!

Illustration by Eroyn Franklin.


King County Cultural Health Study

We started with a question: how is the cultural health of King County? In one of the fastest growing counties in the nation, this was an ambitious undertaking.
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King County Heritage Report

In 2016, 4Culture undertook a heritage assessment to gather information about operations, opportunities, and needs of heritage organizations throughout King County.
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King County Arts Education Study

We're working to ensure that public school students across King County get the arts and culture education they deserve, with a focus on racial equity and economic justice.


Annual Reports

See our yearly revenue, expenses, and grant program data, along with highlights of our work for each calendar year.

 2023 pdf
 2022 pdf
 2021 pdf


Surveys and Plans

Statewide Survey

We asked you what you needed to reopen and restart cultural activities while facing the challenges of COVID-19. Here's what we heard.
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Strategic Plan

We spent much of 2019 assessing where we are and planning for where we want to go.



Recovery Framework

In Spring 2020, 4Culture convened a task force of diverse group of cultural sector leaders to share their concerns and ideas for the future. The result of this effort is the 4Culture Recovery Framework; a roadmap for rebuilding the sector during and after the pandemic’s impacts.


Data Highlights

Our Cultural Relief Fund helped support King County cultural organizations and workers through closures and loss of work due to COVID-19. Learn more about how funding was distributed.

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Statewide Survey Results

We asked you what you needed to reopen and restart cultural activities while facing the challenges of COVID-19. Here's what we heard.

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