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Economic indicators dashboard

Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised), and GDP by Industry, Third Quarter 2020

3rd quarter 2020

33.4 3rd quarter 2020
% change
-31.4 2nd quarter 2020
% change

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 33.4 percent in the third quarter of 2020, as efforts continued to reopen businesses and resume activities that were postponed or restricted due to COVID-19. The change was 0.3 percentage point higher than the "second" estimate released in November. In the second quarter of 2020, real GDP decreased 31.4 percent.Profits increased 27.4 percent at a quarterly rate in the third quarter after decreasing 10.3 percent in the second quarter. Corporate profits increased 3.5 percent in the third quarter from one year ago. Profits were boosted by provisions from the Paycheck Protection Program.Private goods-producing industries increased 47.2 percent, private services-producing industries increased 35.1 percent, and government increased 10.1 percent. Overall, 21 of 22 industry groups contributed to the third-quarter increase in real GDP. Mining decreased in the third quarter. Full Text

Current Release
December 22, 2020

Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised), and GDP by Industry, Third Quarter 2020

3rd quarter 2020

33.4 3rd quarter 2020
% change
-31.4 2nd quarter 2020
% change

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 33.4 percent in the third quarter of 2020, as efforts continued to reopen businesses and resume activities that were postponed or restricted due to COVID-19. The change was 0.3 percentage point higher than the "second" estimate released in November. In the second quarter of 2020, real GDP decreased 31.4 percent.Profits increased 27.4 percent at a quarterly rate in the third quarter after decreasing 10.3 percent in the second quarter. Corporate profits increased 3.5 percent in the third quarter from one year ago. Profits were boosted by provisions from the Paycheck Protection Program.Private goods-producing industries increased 47.2 percent, private services-producing industries increased 35.1 percent, and government increased 10.1 percent. Overall, 21 of 22 industry groups contributed to the third-quarter increase in real GDP. Mining decreased in the third quarter. Full Text

Current Release
December 22, 2020

Business Formation Statistics

August 2024

+2.5° August 2024
% Change
-2.1° July 2024 (r)
% Change

Total U.S. Business Applications were 431,928 in August 2024, up 2.5% from July 2024.

Current Release
September 12, 2024

Quarterly Services Survey

2nd Qtr 2024

+1.5 2nd Qtr 2024
% Change
+2.1 1st Qtr 2024 (r)
% Change

U.S. selected services total revenue for the second quarter of 2024, adjusted for seasonal variation but not for price changes, was $5,603.2 billion, an increase of 1.5 percent (+/- 0.2 percent) from the first quarter of 2024 and up 6.5 percent (+/- 0.6 percent) from the second quarter of 2023.

Current Release
September 11, 2024

Quarterly Financial Report - Retail

2nd Qtr 2024

+17.1 2nd Qtr 2024
Billions of Dollars
-13.7 1st Qtr 2024 (r)
Billions of Dollars

Seasonally adjusted after-tax profits for retail corporations with assets of $50 million and over were $49.9 billion for the second quarter 2024 (the 3 months ending July 31, 2024), up $17.1 (+/- 0.2) billion from first quarter 2024 (the 3 months ending April 30, 2024).

Current Release
September 10, 2024

Quarterly Financial Report

2nd Qtr 2024

+7.8 2nd Qtr 2024
Billions of Dollars
+4.8 1st Qtr 2024 (r)
Billions of Dollars

Manufacturing corporations' seasonally adjusted after-tax profits were $210.9 billion for the second quarter of 2024, up $7.8 (+/- 1.8) billion from the first quarter of 2024.

Current Release
September 10, 2024

Monthly Wholesale Trade: Sales and Inventories

July 2024

+0.2* July 2024
% Change in Inventories
0.0* June 2024 (r)
% Change in Inventories

July 2024 sales of merchant wholesalers were $671.0 billion, up 1.1 percent (+/- 0.4 percent) from last month. End-of-month inventories were $903.5 billion, up 0.2 percent (+/- 0.2 percent)* from last month.

Current Release
September 09, 2024

Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders

July 2024

+5.0° July 2024
% Change
-3.3° June 2024 (r)
% Change

New orders for manufactured goods in July, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $28.2 billion or 5.0 percent to $592.1 billion.

Current Release
September 04, 2024

U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services

July 2024

78.8° July 2024
Billions of Dollars
73.0° June 2024 (r)
Billions of Dollars

The nation's international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $78.8 billion in July from $73.0 billion in June (revised), as imports increased more than exports.

Current Release
September 04, 2024

Construction Spending

July 2024

-0.3* July 2024
% Change
0.0* June 2024 (r)
% Change

Total construction activity for July 2024 ($2,162.7 billion) was 0.3 percent (+/-1.0 percent)* below the revised June 2024 ($2,169.0 billion).

Current Release
September 03, 2024

Advance Wholesale Inventories

July 2024

+0.3 July 2024
% Change in Inventories
+0.1* June 2024 (r)
% Change in Inventories

July end-of-month inventories were $904.9 billion, up 0.3 percent (+/- 0.2 percent) from last month.

Current Release
August 29, 2024

Advance U.S. International Trade in Goods

July 2024

102.7° July 2024
Billions of Dollars
96.6° June 2024
Billions of Dollars

The advance international trade deficit in goods increased to $102.7 billion in July from $96.6 billion in June as exports decreased and imports increased.

Current Release
August 29, 2024

Advance Retail Inventories

July 2024

+0.8 July 2024
% Change in Inventories
+0.9 June 2024 (r)
% Change in Inventories

July 2024 end-of-month inventories were $811.4 billion, up 0.8 percent (+/- 0.2%) from last month.

Current Release
August 29, 2024

Advance Monthly Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders

July 2024

+9.9° July 2024
% Change
-6.9° June 2024 (r)
% Change

New orders for manufactured durable goods in July, up five of the last six months, increased $26.1 billion or 9.9 percent to $289.6 billion.

Current Release
August 26, 2024

New Home Sales

July 2024

+10.6* July 2024
% Change
+0.3* June 2024 (r)
% Change

Sales of new single-family houses in July 2024 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 739,000. This is 10.6 percent (+/- 16.5%)* above the revised June 2024 estimate of 668,000.

Current Release
August 23, 2024

New Residential Construction

July 2024

-6.8* July 2024
% Change
+1.1* June 2024 (r)
% Change

Privately-owned housing starts in July 2024 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,238,000. This is 6.8 percent (+/- 10.3%)* below the revised June 2024 estimate of 1,329,000.

Current Release
August 16, 2024

Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales

June 2024

+0.3 June 2024
% Change in Inventories
+0.5 May 2024 (r)
% Change in Inventories

U.S. total business end-of-month inventories for June 2024 were $2,567.5 billion, up 0.3 percent (+/- 0.1 percent) from last month. U.S. total business sales were $1,857.9 billion, down 0.1 percent (+/- 0.2 percent)* from last month.

Current Release
August 15, 2024

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services

July 2024

+1.0 July 2024
% Change
-0.2* June 2024 (r)
% Change

U.S. retail and food services sales for July 2024 were $709.7 billion, an increase of 1.0% (+/-0.5 percent) from the previous month.

Current Release
August 15, 2024

Housing Vacancies and Homeownership

2nd Qtr 2024

+65.6* 2nd Qtr 2024
+65.9 2nd Qtr 2023

The homeownership rate of 65.6 percent was not statistically different from the rate in the second quarter 2023 (65.9 percent). The homeownership rates, compared to the second quarter 2023, were not statistically different in the Northeast, Midwest, South, and West.

Current Release
July 30, 2024

Rental Vacancy Rate

2nd Qtr 2024

+6.6 2nd Qtr 2024
+6.3 2nd Qtr 2023

The rental vacancy rate of 6.6 percent was higher than the rate in the second quarter 2023 (6.3 percent). Compared to second quarter 2023, the rental vacancy rate was higher in the Northeast and South, lower in the Midwest, and not statistically different in the West.

Current Release
July 30, 2024