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May 2024: Ministerial Meeting in Singapore

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo will meet with IPEF partners to advance progress on Pillars II, III, and IV – the Supply Chain, Clean Economy, and Fair Economy pillars – and to kick off the Inaugural Clean Economy Investor Forum with 22 U.S. companies driving sustainable infrastructure & clean technology investments in the region.

⇒ Read the Press Release: U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo to Travel to Singapore for IPEF Ministerial and Inaugural IPEF Clean Economy Investor Forum.

March 2024: Texts Made Public

On March 14, 2024, the U.S. released the final texts for the Clean Economy Pillar, Fair Economy Pillar, and Agreement of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (Overarching Agreement).

⇒ Read the IPEF Pillar III: Clean Economy Final Text.

⇒ Read the IPEF Pillar IV: Fair Economy Final Text.

⇒ Read the IPEF Agreement on IPEF Final Text.

March 2024: Virtual Ministerial Meeting

On March 14, 2024, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and her 13 IPEF counterparts attended a virtual Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) ministerial meeting.

⇒ Read the Press Statement for the Supply Chains Pillar, Clean Economy Pillar, Fair Economy Pillar, and Agreement of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Overarching Agreement).

February 2024: Entry into Force of the IPEF Supply Chain Agreement

The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Agreement Relating to Supply Chain Resilience, generally referred to as the Supply Chain Agreement, entered into force on February 24, 2024. This is a critical step in bringing the landmark, first-of-its-kind agreement into action and promoting coordination among the IPEF partners on building resilient, efficient, productive, sustainable, transparent, diversified, secure, fair, and inclusive supply chains.

⇒ Read the announcement by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

November 2023: IPEF Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco, California

On November 16, President Biden, along with the ministers and heads of government from the 13 IPEF partners, announced key outcomes and progress made under IPEF.

⇒ Read the Leaders’ Statement on Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity.

⇒ Read the White House IPEF Fact Sheet.

November 2023: Third In-Person Ministerial Meeting in San Francisco, California

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai hosted the third in-person Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) ministerial meeting in San Francisco, California, on November 13-14, 2023. The ministerial took place immediately following the seventh in-person IPEF negotiating round from November 5-12, 2023, in San Francisco.

⇒ Read the U.S. Fact Sheet on the Substantial Conclusion of Negotiations on the IPEF Clean Economy Agreement.
⇒ Read the U.S. Fact Sheet on the Substantial Conclusion of Negotiations on the IPEF Fair Economy Agreement.
⇒ Read the Press Statement for the Supply Chains Pillar, Clean Economy Pillar, Fair Economy Pillar, and Agreement of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (Overarching Agreement).

October 2023: Sixth Negotiating Round, Kuala Lumpur

The U.S. Department of Commerce and the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) participated in the sixth in-person negotiating round for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from October 15-24, 2023.

Prior to the sixth negotiating round in Kuala Lumpur, the U.S. Department of Commerce and USTR jointly held a virtual IPEF listening session. A second in-person listening session was held with the Government of Malaysia on October 19 for interested stakeholders.

⇒ Read the joint USTR/Commerce readout of the sixth negotiating round.

September 2023: Fifth Negotiating Round, Bangkok

The U.S. Department of Commerce and the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) participated in the fifth in-person negotiating round for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) in Bangkok, Thailand, from September 10 to 16, 2023.

Prior to the fifth negotiating round in Bangkok, the U.S. Department of Commerce and USTR jointly held a virtual IPEF listening session. A second in-person listening session was held with the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on September 14 for interested stakeholders.

⇒ Read the joint USTR/Commerce readout of the fifth negotiating round.

September 2023: Text of Supply Chain Agreement (Pillar II) Published

On September 7, The U.S. Department of Commerce made publicly available the text of the proposed landmark Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Supply Chain Agreement. Following the release of the final text of the Agreement, the United States and partner countries will conduct their own domestic processes to prepare for the signature of the Agreement.

⇒ Read the Commerce announcement of the publication of Pillar II.

July 2023: Fourth Negotiating Round, Busan

From July 9 to 15, the United States participated in the fourth IPEF negotiating round for all pillars to be hosted by Korea in Busan.

The U.S. interagency delegation was co-led by Sharon H. Yuan, U.S. Department of Commerce Counselor and Chief Negotiator for Pillars II-IV, and Sarah Ellerman, IPEF Pillar I Chief Negotiator and Assistant United States Trade Representative for Southeast Asia and the Pacific (Acting).

⇒ Read the joint USTR/Commerce readout of the fourth negotiating round.

May 2023: Second In-Person Ministerial Meeting, Detroit

On May 26 and 27, the United States successfully hosted the second in-person meeting of IPEF partners at the Minister-level in Detroit, Michigan, led by Secretary Gina Raimondo and Ambassador Katharine Tai. In addition to discussing progress made thus far on Pillars I (Trade), III (Clean Economy), and IV (Fair Economy), Ministers of the 14 IPEF countries announced the substantial conclusion of negotiations on Pillar II (Supply Chains). The first-of-its-kind international IPEF Supply Chain Agreement aims to increase the resilience, efficiency, productivity, sustainability, transparency, diversification, security, fairness, and inclusivity of their supply chains through both collaborative activities and individual actions taken by each IPEF partner.

⇒ Read the U.S. Fact Sheet on the Substantial Conclusion of Negotiations on the IPEF Supply Chain Agreement.

⇒ Read the Press Statement on the Substantial Conclusion of IPEF Supply Chain Agreement Negotiations.

⇒ Read the Press Statement for the Trade Pillar, Clean Economy Pillar, and Fair Economy Pillar.

May 2023: Third Negotiating Round, Singapore

From March 8-15, 2023, the United States met with all IPEF Partners for the third full negotiating round in Singapore. The IPEF Partners continued to make productive progress on text-based discussions of all four pillars.

The Department of Commerce and USTR jointly hosted another stakeholder listening session in advance of the round. An additional in-person stakeholder listening session was held during the round, co-hosted by the Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry.

⇒ Read the joint USTR/Commerce readout of the third negotiating round.

March 2023: Second Negotiating Round, Bali

From March 13-19, 2023, the United States met with all IPEF Partners for the second full negotiating round in Bali, Indonesia.  The round involved productive, text-based discussions of all four pillars.

The Department of Commerce and USTR jointly hosted another stakeholder listening session in advance of the round. An additional in-person stakeholder listening session was held during the round, co-hosted by the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs.

⇒ Read the joint USTR/Commerce readout of the second negotiating round.

February 2023: Special Negotiating Round, New Delhi

From February 8-11, 2023, the United States met with all IPEF Partners for a special negotiating round hosted in New Delhi, India. The special round covered Pillars II-IV, involving approximately 300 officials, and produced substantive, text-based negotiations on all three pillars.

In advance of the round, the Department of Commerce hosted a virtual stakeholder listening session. They also co-hosted an in-person stakeholder listening session in New Delhi with the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry. A diverse array of presenters, including labor, industry groups, and civil society, provided feedback.

⇒ Read the Commerce readout of the special negotiating round.

December 2022: First Negotiating Round, Brisbane

From December 10-15, 2022, the United States met with all IPEF Partners for the first full IPEF negotiating round in Brisbane, Australia. The round saw the introduction of initial text for all four pillars and widespread enthusiasm among the Partners for the negotiation of an ambitious, sustainable, and durable agreement.

In advance of the round, USTR and the Department of Commerce co-hosted a stakeholder listening session to receive input from a variety of perspectives, including labor, industry groups, and civil society. An additional in-person listening session was hosted during the round in Brisbane with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

⇒ Read the joint USTR/Commerce readout of the first negotiating round.

September 2022: First in-person ministerial meeting, Los Angeles

On September 8 and 9, 2022, the United States hosted the first in-person meeting of the IPEF ministers in Los Angeles, led by Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai. The meeting successfully produced a set of ministerial statements outlining negotiating objectives for each pillar.

⇒ Read the Commerce announcement of negotiating objectives from the meeting.

May 2022: IPEF launch, Tokyo

On May 23, 2022, President Biden, along with ministers and heads of government from a dozen initial Partners, officially launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity. View the launch event below:

⇒ Read the initial launch statement of IPEF goals.

March 2022: Federal Register Notice to Solicit IPEF Comments

From March 10 to April 11, 2022, the Department of Commerce and the USTR solicited public comments regarding the proposed framework. Together, Commerce and USTR received over 1,300 public comments on the four IPEF pillars.

⇒ View the public comments submitted to the Department of Commerce.

October 2021: President Biden announces intent to develop an Indo-Pacific framework

On October 27, 2021, President Biden declared the United States' intention to develop an Indo-Pacific economic framework to define shared objectives in the region around trade facilitation, digital economy standards supply chain resiliency, clean energy, labor rights, and other areas of mutual interest.

⇒ View the Readout of President Biden’s Participation in the East Asia Summit.