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The DiSSCo consortium in


The Spanish National Task Force (NTF ES) is formed by a consortium between the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the University of Navarra (UNAV), the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), the University of Valencia (UV), and the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona Consortium (CMCNB), being led by the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN) of Madrid and coordinated by its Director. CSIC participates through eight research centers: the MNCN, the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (RJB), the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM), the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), the Doñana Biological Station (EBD), the Centre for Advances Studies of Blanes (CEAB), the Centre for Advances Studies of Blanes (CEAB), the Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal (IATS), the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (ICMAN) and the Experimental Station of Arid Zones (EEZA); UNAV participates through the Museum of Zoology and the PAMP-Herbarium; UCM participates through significant museums and scientific collections that are assembled and distributed among their Faculties of Biology, Geology, Pharmacy, Veterinary and Medicine. UV participates through the Natural History Museum and the Botanical Garden; and the CMCNB participates through the Natural Science Museum of Barcelona. All together, their collections gather more than 24.5 million specimens. The scientific data are published in scientific journals, and their databases are partly accessible through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The consortium remains open to new members.

participating institutions

Rafael Zardoya

MNCN Director

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales

The National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid houses Spain’s largest Natural History collections, library and archives. The collections comprise around ten million items relating to zoology, palaeontology, geology, mineralogy, and prehistory and they are also repository for natural sciences specimens. Its main scientific research areas concern biodiversity and mechanisms involved in the evolution of life; land, freshwater and marine ecosystems; history of life and earth; and the Spanish geology and volcanism. It houses conservation and preparation facilities together with a range of analytical equipment, available to researchers from around the world, who access these collections on a regular basis, in situ or through GBIF.

Real Jardín Botánico

The Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid houses the largest herbarium in Spain and is one of the most representatives in Europe. The MA-Herbarium comprises 1,3 million specimens organized according to standardized classification systems, being represented all groups of plants (Algae, Bryophytes, Lichens, Fungi, and Vascular plant) especially coming from the Iberian Peninsula, as well as type specimens of Ibero-American plants coming from historical scientific expeditions. It houses also special collections (fluid preserved specimens, gymnosperm cones, fruits and seeds, wood samples, etc.). Collections are available to researchers from around the world, who access these collections on a regular basis, in situ or through GBIF.

Museo de Zoología

The Museum of Zoology is part of the Science Museum of the UNAV. It was established more than 30 years ago and has been responsible for ensuring the conservation of research material produced by the departments of Zoology and Ecology; currently integrated in the Department of Environmental Biology (AMBIUN). It comprises around 2 million specimens, mostly coming from research projects and donations, much of them digitized in databases. AMBIUN gives free access over the internet to the information of more than 230,000 of its registrations thanks to GBIF: the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.


The PAMP-Herbarium is part of the Science Museum of the UNAV. It was developed by the Botany Department; currently integrated in the Department of Environmental Biology (AMBIUN) of the Faculty of Sciences. It houses two main collections, one of Bryophytes and another of Vascular plants. The collection of Bryophytes reaches about 25,000 specimens, and the Vascular plants is close to 100,000 sheets. Most of the material comes from the collections made by researchers from the Department, and from the result of doctoral thesis carried out in the Statutory Community. The Herbarium is an institutional member of the Ibero-Macaronesian Herbarium Association.

Geominero Museum

The Geominero Museum houses significant collections of minerals, rocks and fossils, with around 111,000 specimens, whose information is available through the IGME Website. Mainly, museum collections come from all Spanish regions and former colonial territories, although there are also specimens from other significant sites of the world. Geominero Museum is the official repository of polar geological samples (fossils, minerals, rocks and water) resulting from the Spanish Polar Research Programme, and includes the National Polar Data Center (CNDP). Both the repository and the CNDP respond to international regulations, in particular to those emanating from the Antarctic Treaty System and to the recommendations of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), as well as that of the Spanish Polar Committee.

University Complutense of Madrid (UCM) Faculty of Biology

UCM Faculty of Biology

The Faculty of Biology (UCM) houses the Entomology Collection (UCME), the MACB- Herbarium, a “Museum of Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals” (MACV) and “the Ethnobotanical Collection”. Together gather more than 4.1 million specimens of botany and zoology. The UCME stands out with more than 4 million, being worth highlighting the extensive collections of Diptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, Heteroptera and Oribatid Mites. UCME is particularly rich in European and Iberian fauna, but also in tropical fauna of South American. The MACB-Herbarium also stands out with 125,000. 75 per cent of this collection corresponds to vascular plants from the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and North Africa area, although it also includes some remarkable collections of lichens and bryophytes. Information about some collections is already available through GBIF.

UCM Faculty of Geology

UCM Faculty of Geology

The Faculty of Geology (UCM) hosts important scientific collections of fossils (“Paleontological Collections”) and geology (“the Mineral Collection”) and a “Museum of Geology”.  The most relevant are the “Paleontological collections”, in the Paleontology Department, which includes well preserved fossils of invertebrates, vertebrates and plants. Collections’ access is restricted to researchers; however, some pieces are exhibited to the public in the gallery of the department. The Department of Crystallography and Mineralogy exhibits “the Mineral Collection” for educational purposes, where minerals and rocks are sorted by groups depending on their chemical nature. The “Museum of Geology” brings together an important exhibition of minerals, rocks and fossils.

UCM Faculty of Pharmacy

UCM Faculty of Pharmacy

The Faculty of Farmacy (UCM) houses four collections (the MAF-Herbarium, a Mineral Collection, the Historical Collection of Pharmacognosy, and the Professor Gómez Pamo’s Vegetable Histological Collection), which gather 201,390 vouchers of botany and mineralogy. MAF-Herbarium stands out with 200,000 plant folds mainly from the Iberian Peninsula. The collection is organized by three different criteria: taxonomic groups (1-Seaweeds, 2-Fungi, 3-Lichens, 4-Moss, 5-Ferns), biogeographical peculiarities (6-Neotropical Plants: South America) and historical background (7-Pourret Herbarium). Information about some collections is already available through GBIF.

UCM Faculty of Medicine

UCM Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine (UCM) houses two museums (the Javier Puerta Museum of Anatomy and Museum of Medical and Forensic Anthropology, Paleopathology and Criminalistics), which gather 3,300 vouchers of anthropology. The “Javier Puerta Museum of Anatomy” includes bone collections of different stages of prenatal and postnatal life, among which more than a thousand skulls of a Crania Collection, of an anthropological nature. The “Museum of Medical and Forensic Anthropology, Paleopathology and Criminalistics” includes an important collection of skulls that can be accessed by researchers who request them for the purpose of carrying out scientific work.

Natural History Museum, University of Valencia

UV Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum of the University of Valencia is an institution dedicated to the conservation and research of the natural world that came about by bringing together the historical and new collections of the School of Biological Sciences, the old UV Museum of Geology and several legacies to the University. The collections comprise more than 2.5 million items relating to biology, zoology, paleontology, geology and mineralogy, being also repository for natural sciences specimens. Specimens come mainly from Iberian Peninsula, Canary Islands, Mediterranean Area, Mediterranean Sea, and Northern and Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Collections are available to researchers from around the world, who can access them in situ or through GBIF and the Biodiversity Databank of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Botanical Garden, University of Valencia

UV Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia is a living museum dedicated to the conservation and research of plants. The more than 5,000 species of plants it houses are preserved through three types of collections: live plants, in the outdoor garden with around 50,000 specimens; seeds and spores, in the germplasm bank (around 5,000 samples); and plant folds, in the VAL-Herbarium. The Germplasm Bank manages also the carpospermatheca, with around 5,000 samples more. The VAL-Herbarium came about by bringing together the old herbariums of the School of Biological Sciences and the School of Pharmacy with the Garden’s own, housing over 275,000 vouchers, especially coming from the eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula, in particular the Valencia region and the Iberian System mountain range. Collections are available to researchers from around the world.

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

The Natural Science Museum of Barcelona is an institution founded over 140 years ago whose natural heritage collections comprise more than 3 million specimens. These collections include plants, lichens, fungi, animals, sounds, fossils, minerals and rocks, collected and preserved thanks to the efforts of naturalists and collectors, institutions and private individuals, as well as the constant work of scientists to achieve a better understanding of biological reality and geological history. These collections are of particular scientific importance and are essential for taxonomic and systematic research, being reference collections that bring together a high diversity of species from Catalonia and the rest of the world, and containing many type specimens. We generate and share knowledge on the diversity and evolution of the natural world with the aim of helping to conserve it and create a society that is better informed, more closely connected and more responsible where nature is concerned.

The Blanes Centre for Advanced Studies (CEAB)

The CEAB focuses its research on the Ecology and Biology of aquatic organisms, both in marine and continental systems, to identify their diversity and understand their functions and interactions in nature. This knowledge is then applied to the rational and sustainable use and management of our planet’s resources, as well as to predict responses to environmental modifications. To this end, the CEAB uses approaches ranging from organisms biochemical and genetic composition to population and ecosystem structure and dynamics and theoretical ecology. The centre currently houses collections of rotifers and crustaceans from Pyrenean lakes, entomology (Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera), marine invertebrates (mainly sponges, polychaetes and crustaceans), and it is also working to incorporate bacterioplankton and diatoms from Pyrenean lakes.

The Doñana Biological Station

The collections at Doñana Biological Station (EBD – CSIC), currently houses more than 120,000 catalogued specimens, most of which are vertebrates. The collections are part of the ICTS that runs the Doñana Biological Reserve, facilitating the linking of ecological processes and changes to material in the Collections. The Collections include over 10,000 vertebrate species from around the world, with particular strengths in Spain, north and west Africa, central and South America. These resources are available to national and international researchers and educators under the guidelines of the ICTS. 

Institute of Marine Sciences

The ICM conducts frontier research and foster knowledge and technology transfer on topics related to ocean and climate interactions, conservation and sustainable use of marine life and ecosystems, as well as impact mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards. The Marine Biological Reference Collections (CBMR) host marine specimens from Protista to Animalia, being fish, crustaceans, cephalopods and echinoderms, the most abundant groups. They comprise near 2500 species, with 200 type specimens, and over 7000 fish otholits from all over the world, mainly from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Facilities are provided to identify, perform research, catalogue, preserve and deposit marine organisms. The Geological Collections include > 1700 marine sediment cores, ~13.000 seafloor superficial samples and >250.000 km in seismic profiles. They represent a scientific heritage and greatly enhance their secondary use for many other geomarine and environmental studies. Collections are available to researchers from around the world, in situ and through GBIF. 

The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)

The IEO is a public research organization dedicated to research in marine science, especially in relation to scientific knowledge of the oceans, sustainability of fishing resources and the marine environment.

It has, nine coastal oceanographic centers, five plants of experimentation of marine cultures and an oceanographic fleet with more than twenty vessels. Four of these centers have Reference Marine Collections (CMR): Crustacean Collection of the Cadiz Oceanographic Center (CRUST-IEOCD), Marine Fauna of the Malaga O.C. (CFM-IEOMA), Marine Fauna of the Canarias O.C. (CFM-IEOCA) y Sponges of the Gijon O.C. The collections that participate in DissCo providing open collection service are: Crustacean Collection (CRUST-IEOCD), located in Cádiz (Spain), and the Marine Fauna Collection (CFM-IEOCA), located in Tenerife (Spain). The CRUST-IEOCD housed crustacean specimens from African and European Waters, and the CFM-IEOCA, invertebrate and vertebrates’ species from the Atlantic Ocean. 

Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA)

The Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies is a joint research center between the CSIC and the University of the Balearic Islands whose main mission is to transfer scientific knowledge to society and advance in the understanding of the environmental processes that affect our planet and its habitants. With more than 200.000 specimens, the IMEDEA naturalistic collection represent a large component of the living and extinct fauna of the Balearic Islands. Outstanding sections of the IMEDEA collection include fossil vertebrates, insects, otoliths, crustaceans and osteology of living vertebrates. Access to the collections is open to both internal researchers and external institutions, including for outreach activities and can be consulted at GBIF, Taxo&Map and Pollinators of the Balearic Islands.

Torre de la Sal Aquaculture Institute

The Institute de Aquaculture Torre de la Sal (IATS) has been active in the field of Marine Aquaculture since 1979. It’s the only CSIC center devoted entirely to aquaculture research, including research lines in fish nutrition, health and welfare, reproduction, as well as biodiversity and sustainability in cultured species. This activity is often carried out in close collaboration with other national and international entities to provide services to attend the biotechnological needs of the aquaculture sector and anticipate future demands, to assess stakeholders in aquaculture related issues, to train qualified specialists, and to promote scientific and technological culture in aquaculture. In the IATS-CSIC, it is maintained a collection of 730 cyst (dormant egg) samples of the different species included in the genus Artemia (Crustacea, Branchiopoda).

Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia

The Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (ICMAN) is a public research institute devoted to investigations in marine environment: biodiversity, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry, oceanic dynamics, remote sensing or aquaculture. The Marine Microalgal Culture Collection (CCMM) of the ICMAN was created in the middle 70’s of XX century by Professor Luis Lubián. Currently comprises around three hundred microalgal strains from ten taxonomic Classes. This Collection has been, for years, a key tool for researchers from many different research centres (from CSIC, universities or autonomic and foreign research organisms), teachers (at academic level, high school, vocational training or even in primary studies), and professionals in the field of aquaculture and to particular people interested in microalgal culturing.

Experimental Station of Arid Zones

The Experimental Station of Arid Zones (EEZA) develops research on arid ecosystems, desertification, evolutionary ecology and species conservation are carried out. The Collections service houses approximately 170.000 specimens among the ALME Herbarium and the collections of entomology, herpetology, ornithology, mammals and ungulates. The collection of ungulates includes specimens of four endangered North African species (Gazella cuvieri, Gazella dama mhorr, Gazella dorcas and Ammotragus lervia sahariensis). These specimens come from the captive breeding program that has been carried out since 1970 at La Hoya Experimental Farm in Almería, recording both their age and the level of kinship that exists between them. The collections of ungulates, herpetology, ornithology and mammals are included in GBIF.

University of Granada

The collections of the University of Granada included in DiSSCo are six: the Zoology collections, including the scientific collections, with 250,000 specimens of amphibians, reptiles, fish and invertebrates and the Historical-Didactic collection, with some 1,900 specimens; the Palaeontology Museum, with some 2,200 fossils; the Herbarium, formed by two sections, the one that belonged to the Faculty of Science, with 45,000 records, and the one belonged to Pharmacy, with 58,000 records; the Museum of Minerals, with more than 3,700 samples; the Museum of Soils, with 26 soil monoliths and a collection of visu samples; and the Botanical Garden, structured in three sections: the Botanical School, the floricultural paintings and the special collections, completed with the University Botanical Garden of Sierra Nevada.

Botanical Garden Viera y Clavijo

The Jardín Botánico “Viera y Clavijo”-Unidad Asociada de I+D+i al CSIC is a research division of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria devoted to the conservation of the Canarian and Macaronesian terrestrial floras through the knowledge furnished by multi-disciplinary science. It develops projects related to the origins, diversity and evolution of insular floras through six research departments (Plant Systematics, Molecular Biodiversity, Reproductive Biology and Micromorphology, Threatened Species, Seed Science, and Environmental Education and Scientific Dissemination). It hosts several banks of biological samples and data (Seed Bank, Herbarium, DNA Bank, and a Bank of Ethnobotanical Knowledge) and rich living collections focussing on Canarian and Macaronesian endemics.

Participating institutions in


Everything on one screen

Collection Dashboard

The dashboard you can see below contains data on the collections of natural science institutions across Europe. Page one shows the approximate number of collections per category for all of the 89 institutes who participated in an initial DiSSCo survey and page two the national contributions to the European collection. The selection boxes allow filtering for country and institutions. The data in this dashboard is populated with information as sent by the DiSSCo partners through an initial survey in November 2017 and should therefore be considered as preliminary Following that survey, we went through a rigorous process of identifying obvious errors and contacting individuals to correct those. Nevertheless it will probably still contain some errors and information might be outdated. Please contact Niels Raes if you detect any issues so the data can be updated.

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