...上,每个均集成一个10位波特率发生器,以释放定时/计数器作其它用途。UART可与集成差分收发器连接。 定时器/CCU单元 ― VMX51C1xxx包括3个16位的定时器和4个比较和捕获单元(compare and capture UNITS,CCU)。这些CCU可以配置为具有8位和16位分辨率的PWM输出。在滤波时,PWM可用作数/模转换器。3个CCU可提供一个捕获输入,用来触发定时器2捕获模式 (Timer 2 Capture)。此外,该器件还包括...
...at all parts of the processor and memory system can operate continuously.The ARM core incorporates:A coprocessor 15 (CP15) and protection module Data and program Memory Management UNITS (MMUs) with table look-aside buffers. Separate 16K-byte instruction and 8K-byte data caches. Both are four-way associative with virtual index virtual tag (VIVT).The TMS320C64...