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Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board meets every three weeks to discuss, plan and carry out the ECB’s supervisory tasks. It proposes draft decisions to the Governing Council under the non-objection procedure.

ECB Governing Council


  • Chair (appointed for a non-renewable term of five years)
  • Vice-Chair (chosen from among the members of the ECB's Executive Board)
  • four ECB representatives
  • representatives of national supervisors

Members of the Supervisory Board

ECB Members
Chair Claudia Buch
Vice-Chair Frank Elderson
ECB representative Elizabeth McCaul

ECB representative

Patrick Montagner

ECB representative Anneli Tuominen
ECB representative N.N.
Representatives of national supervisors
Belgium Tom Dechaene (Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique)
Bulgaria Radoslav Milenkov (Bulgarian National Bank)
Germany Mark Branson (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienst­leistungs­aufsicht)
Michael Theurer (Deutsche Bundesbank)
Estonia Kilvar Kessler (Finantsinspektsioon)
Veiko Tali (Eesti Pank)
Ireland Sharon Donnery (Central Bank of Ireland/Banc Ceannais na hÉireann)
Greece Christina Papaconstantinou (Bank of Greece)

Mercedes Olano (Banco de España)

France Denis Beau (Banque de France)
Croatia Tomislav Ćorić (Hrvatska narodna banka)
Italy Alessandra Perrazzelli (Banca d’Italia)
Cyprus George Ioannou (Central Bank of Cyprus)
Lithuania Simonas Krėpšta (Lietuvos bankas)
Latvia Santa Purgaile (Latvijas Banka)
Luxembourg Claude Wampach (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier)
Eric Cadilhac (Banque centrale du Luxembourg)
Malta Michelle Mizzi Buontempo (Malta Financial Services Authority)
Oliver Bonello (Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta/Central Bank of Malta)
Netherlands Steven Maijoor (De Nederlandsche Bank)
Austria Helmut Ettl (Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht)
N.N. (Oesterreichische Nationalbank)
Portugal Rui Pinto (Banco de Portugal)
Slovenia Primož Dolenc (Banka Slovenije)
Slovakia Vladimír Dvořáček (Národná banka Slovenska)
Finland Tero Kurenmaa (Finanssivalvonta)
Päivi Tissari (Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank)

If the national supervisory authority designated by a Member State is not a national central bank (NCB), the representative of the competent authority can be accompanied by a representative from their NCB. In such cases, the representatives are together considered as one member for the purposes of the voting procedure.

Supervisory Board

(as at 2 February 2024)

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee supports the activities of the Supervisory Board and prepares the Board’s meetings.


  • Chair of the Supervisory Board
  • Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board
  • one ECB representative
  • five representatives of national supervisors

The five representatives of national supervisors are appointed by the Supervisory Board for one year based on a rotation system that ensures a fair representation of countries.

Members of the Steering Committee

Chair of the Supervisory Board

Claudia Buch

Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board

Frank Elderson

ECB representative

Anneli Tuominen


Tom Dechaene (Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique)


Mark Branson (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienst­leistungs­aufsicht)


Alessandra Perrazzelli (Banca d'Italia)


George Ioannou (Central Bank of Cyprus)


Tero Kurenmaa (Finanssivalvonta)

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