B.C. Links to Learning Symposium

BC L2L Postcard

B.C. Links to Learning Symposium

Thank you to all delegates, speakers and partners who will contribute to making the
10th Annual B.C. Links to Learning such a tremendous success!

The 10th Annual Links to Learning Symposium will held on December 11-13, 2023 at the Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver, BC.

Links to Learning is an annual technical training forum intended to enhance the ability of First Nations Economic Development Officers (EDOs) and Land Managers to undertake successful lands and economic development ventures.  Links to Learning 2023 is a partnership between Cando, the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association, and First Nations Land Management Resource Centre. Funding support for the event is provided by the Government of Canada. Please visit event's website at www.links-to-learning.ca to view a copy of the agenda, workshop descriptions and travel-related information.

BC Links to Learning

 2023 BC L2L Sponsors


Please contact Svitlana Konoval at skonoval@edo.ca or (780) 990-0303.