4.–12. novembrini toimuvad Euroopa Parlamendis Euroopa Komisjoni volinikukandidaatide kuulamised.
The confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate will begin today.
Täiskogu istung
On Thursday, Parliament denounced Azerbaijan’s poor human rights record and called on the EU to end its gas dependency on Baku.
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Parliament condemns China's continued military provocations against Taiwan and firmly rejects any unilateral change to the status-quo in the Taiwan Strait.
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Laureaadid esindavad Venezuela demokraatlikku opositsiooni, kes on Euroopa Parlamendi hinnangul 2024. aasta Venezuela presidendivalimiste võitja.
Täiskogu istung
Thursday, 24 October
Euroopa Parlament andis 2024. aasta Daphne Caruana Galizia auhinna ajakirjanikele, kes uurisid lapsmigrantide kadumist.
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Parliament demands an EU budget for 2025 that focuses on improving people's lives, boosting competitiveness, and addressing current challenges.
Täiskogu istung
Wednesday, 23 October
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Parlament kiitis heaks kuni 35 miljardi euro laenamise Ukrainale. Ukraina maksab laenu tagasi Venemaa külmutatud varadelt teenitavatest intressidest.
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365 workers of the retail chain Match-Smatch who lost their jobs following store closures and layoffs will receive €2.7 million in EU aid to help them find work.
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On Tuesday, MEPs paved the way for improved management of European airspace, enabling more direct flights and fewer delays, and supporting climate neutrality.
The rapporteur for the 2025 EU budget will hold a press conference on Wednesday at 13:30 following the plenary vote on the EP’s stance on the EU budget for 2025.
Täiskogu istung
Tuesday, 22 October
Täiskogu istung
President Metsola opened the 21-24 October plenary session in Strasbourg with the following announcements.
Detailne kava:Järgmised üritused
Parlamendi komisjonidBrussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q2
Parlamendi komisjonidBrussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2
Parlamendi komisjonidBrussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2
Parlamendi komisjonidBrussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q2
Presidendi päevakava
Uudiste tellimiskeskus
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