When promoting your event, few channels are as effective — or cost-efficient — as social media. But with all the noise online, you have to be smart about your social media strategy to get noticed. 

An easy place to start? #Hashtags.

Fun fact: The most popular hashtag on Instagram in January 2024 was #love.

Hashtags group certain keywords or phrases, allowing people to follow and engage with topics they’re interested in. Consistently using a hashtag can help you boost the online conversation around your event — and, ultimately, your ticket sales. 

But you have to be selective about which hashtags you use. Stringing together a few random words won’t magically attract hundreds of new followers. 

Luckily, at Eventbrite, we have many years of experience in event marketing. For this article, we consulted our Social Marketing Manager, Kelsi Yamada, for her advice on event hashtag strategy before, during, and after an event.

Table of contents 

Are hashtags still a thing?

Understanding the true power of hashtags in 2024 (and beyond)

3 hashtag approaches you need to know

Complete list of hashtags that are relevant to different event niches

How to create a great branded hashtag for your event

Using your event hashtag: Before your event

Using your event hashtag: During your event

Using your event hashtag: After your event

three people looking at phones
VIP Nightlife / Gatsby Fireworks Yacht Party / New York, NY 

Are hashtags still a thing? 

One of the main reasons people believe hashtag marketing is no longer effective is because they’re treating them like they did in 2016.

Back then, a ‘hashtag search’ was the only way to find relevant topics within a niche. But these days, algorithms are smarter. Users can type full words or questions into the search bar and find what they need. 

In fact, with Instagram’s meta AI search tool on mobile devices, finding relevant posts is easier than ever. 

So how does hashtag marketing work in 2024?

Adam Mosseri (head of Instagram) recently revealed that hashtags don’t really improve your reach. However, they categorize your posts by topics, allowing non-followers to see your posts if they search for that keyword.  

“Hashtags are an integral part of social media marketing, and social algorithms are based around them”, Kelsi advises. Hashtags signal to algorithms what your content is about so you can reach new audiences for free.

Let’s dive deeper into what this means for your social media campaign. 

Understanding the true power of hashtags in 2024 (and beyond) 

The secret to successful hashtag marketing is using niche phrases to help your target audience find you. Get specific about who you want to reach and use hashtags that align with that audience. 

Imagine you’re hosting an event with a strong sense of community, like Sneaker Con. At first, you’d probably think of using a trending hashtag like #fashion, right?

After all, over one billion social media posts used this hashtag. 

However, a broad hashtag doesn’t tell Instagram which specific type of fashion you want to target, so this hashtag will appear for anyone interested in fashion in general, not just sneakers. 

instagram search for #fashion

This is evident on the hashtag search page. Instead of targeting the demographic for sneakers, which statistically tend to be male, millennial, and affluent, you’ll see women dressed in high heels, workwear, and luxury brands.

Now, let’s see what a more niche hashtag like #sneakerhead looks like. 

instagram sneaker search

Sure, the hashtag has been used on fewer posts (24+ million), but look at what type of content shows up: images of men dressed in streetwear and gold chains or individuals showing off a lineup of sneakers in their closet — aka Sneaker Con’s target audience. 

The more niche you are with your hashtag, the more likely you are to land on your target audience’s explore feeds. Plus, with fewer hashtag followers, you stand a better chance of being seen compared to a hashtag that has billions of followers.

That’s the true power of event hashtags in 2024.

‘Hashtags aren’t the only piece of the social SEO puzzle,’ Kelsi says.

‘In addition to using a few relevant hashtags, creators need to be researching and using relevant keywords in their post copy, video captions, text on screen, profile bio, etc.’

3 hashtag approaches you need to know 

You can use a few key strategies to ensure your event hashtags help Instagram and TikTok categorize your content correctly and show it to the right people. Here are our top three.

Don’t go overboard; keep your event hashtags relevant 

On his weekly ‘ask me anything’ session, Adam Mosseri also explained that putting heaps of hashtags (50–100) on your post won’t get you more views — all it’ll really do is annoy people. 

He’s absolutely right. ‘Spamming any trending or growing hashtag in your posts might get you some extra eyes, but those extra eyes don’t mean much if they’re not interested in your events or your brand.’ 

It’s because it’s not just about who sees your content, but how they interact with it that matters. The algorithm can tell if people aren’t engaging with your posts, which affects post-performance. 

To maximize your impact, you want to use a handful of relevant hashtags. 

Online educator and YouTuber Modern Millie, explains that the best way to optimize your hashtags is to choose the ones that work best with your post. 

To select the most relevant hashtags, Millie suggests looking at three main areas: the visual, the topic, and your profile. 

deathfest instagram page

For example, in Deathfest’s Instagram post, they referenced: 

Because of this strategic approach, Deathfest only needed a handful of concert hashtags for Instagram’s algorithm to recognize which category to slot them into and who would be interested in their post. This resulted in lots of engagement from dedicated festival fans and from users with similar interests.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: Do I have to look up each hashtag I’m considering and assess its relevance? 

The answer is yes. But don’t worry; there’s a quick and easy way to do it. 

Use a reliable hashtag tool to help you find out what’s trending

One of the most efficient ways to find relevant event hashtags is to use a hashtag tool, like Slay.so. Its algorithm finds the most-suited hashtags for your posts.

Slay.so integrates with your Instagram account to understand who’s on your following list, what niche you’re in, and how to optimize your hashtag strategy for maximum impact.

 slay.so homepage

It also provides you with a questionnaire, which helps it tailor to your campaign goals and the service or product you’re offering.

From there, Slay.so provides a set of AI-generated Instagram posts and suggestions for your own hashtag. You can choose your favorite posts and see which hashtags are recommended for each. 

event hashtag examples

In our questionnaire, we pretended to be a rock music festival. Some of the event hashtags recommended, like ‘guitarsolos’, aren’t super relevant for our target audience, so we’d leave those. But the others, like ‘rockfans’ or ‘rockculture,’ could be copied and pasted onto our next Insta post description. 

So now you know how to find relevant hashtags, you’re all set for hashtag marketing, right?

Hold on. There are two more approaches you need to know for an effective hashtag strategy. 

Don’t get too comfortable with your hashtag strategy 

‘Social media changes quickly, and so do best practices. One month, it may be best to use 10 hashtags in your caption,’ shares Kelsi. 

‘The next month, the algorithm may only want 3. Some platforms may prefer you put hashtags in the comments instead. And sometimes, platforms can punish you for using the same hashtags in every post over and over.’

To avoid this happening, look at these key areas:

To give you a better idea of which event hashtags to use in your event promotion, we’ve short-listed some ideas for Instagram and TikTok. 

Find out more about the best platforms to post on

A person taking a picture

Complete list of relevant hashtags for every event niche  

‘Go for niche hashtags. More general ones tend to be oversaturated, and your post won’t be as likely to earn visibility against all the noise,’ Kelsi advises. 

We’ve listed some ideas for music festival hashtags, live performance and concert hashtags, and more to get you started, along with the number of followers at the time of writing.

Music festival hashtags

Hashtag Instagram posts TikTok posts 
#electronicmusicfestivals3.6k 599
#edmfestival 579k18.1k
#ravefestival16k 2.9k
#jazzfestival 418.8k6.4k

Live performance and concert hashtags 

HashtagsInstagram posts TikTok posts 
#thrashmetalshow 431106
#indieconcert 7.4k1.8k

Nightlife and entertainment hashtags 

HashtagsInstagram posts TikTok posts 

Event industry and event planner hashtags

HashtagsInstagram posts TikTok posts 

Virtual event hashtags 

HashtagsInstagram posts TikTok posts 
#virtualperformance 27.3k570
#virtualartexhibition 15.3k53

Okay, so now we’ve covered the best niche-specific hashtags. What about the event-specific hashtags that are unique to your specific event, brand, or campaign?

band performing on stage
Rickshaw Stop / Finish Ticket / San Francisco, CA

How to create a great branded hashtag for your event 

Branded hashtags are great for spreading the word about your event — and collecting content from attendees after it’s all said and done. You can even use hashtags during your event to engage sponsors or start a conversation between guests and speakers.

Effective branded hashtags are:

vividsydney social media promotion

For example, #vividsydney uses their event name as the hashtag. It’s straightforward and intuitive — and makes it easy for potential attendees to research photos before purchasing a ticket.

To give your hashtag the best chance of success, we recommend searching thoroughly across platforms for the hashtag you’re considering to make sure it isn’t already being used for a different purpose or, even worse, another event in the same niche as yours. 

Now that you have your branded event hashtags and your niche-specific hashtags sorted, let’s move on to how you use hashtags before, during, and after your event. 

Using your event hashtag: Before your event 

Once you land on a branded hashtag that’s short, unique, and easy to understand, stick with it! 

Before your event, consistency is key. As you post relevant content leading up to your event, make sure to include your hashtag across your social accounts. 

Also, add your hashtag to all of your social account bios. 

Don’t stop there! Promote your hashtag on all your other event communication channels, including your event website, promotional emails, print materials, on-site signage, and more.  

Make sure all of the key players involved in your event know your hashtag. 

Think speakers, artists, or sponsors. Encourage them to use your hashtag whenever they post something about your event on their socials. This way, you’ll be able to engage their audiences and extend your promotional reach.

Using your event hashtag: During your event

On event day, you want to make sure your hashtag is visible so your attendees know how to use it. Include it in handouts and display it on screens throughout your venue. 

Better yet? Give people an incentive to use your hashtag and share your event on social. This could mean setting up a photo booth branded with your hashtag, or creating a photo competition where the best photo using your hashtag wins a prize.

Consider displaying user-generated content — whether tweets, photos, or videos — using your hashtag onsite. This rewards your social sharers and encourages more attendees to post. You can even share this content on your other social accounts to engage with people who couldn’t make it to your event.

Remember, if you’re posting or live tweeting during your event, include your hashtag in every post.

people laughing in crowd
Laugh Factory / All Star / Los Angeles, CA

Using your event hashtag: After your event 

After the big day, use your hashtag for post-event engagement and build excitement for next year.

Ask attendees to share their favorite moments from your event, using your hashtag in their posts. Collect all of the posts related to your hashtag and select your favorite content. Re-share it on your social networks, use it in email recaps, and add it to your event website. 

Event-goers love to know what to expect when they’re deciding whether or not to go to an event. So the more photos and videos you include on your site (particularly ones showing your guests having a great time), the higher your chances of landing a ticket sale.

Once the event experience is over, you can also analyze event marketing data to see which hashtags really boosted your promotional efforts

On Eventbrite, you can use unique tracking links to see exactly what platforms help with your sales. We can then help you decipher this data to understand which platforms helped you achieve the most ticket sales. 

Start using event hashtags in your marketing strategy 

Usually, the hardest part about incorporating hashtag marketing into your social media strategy is choosing the right ones.

But luckily, we’ve done the hard work for you. 

You’ve got a full list of relevant event hashtags that will help social media platforms understand what type of content you’re creating, and who you want it to be shown to. Just pick the ones that vibe with your event brand, stay consistent, and track your performance on Instagram and TikTok to see which hashtags are hitting the mark.

With Eventbrite, you can create unique tracking links, receive real-time insights sent straight to your phone, and organize your data into easy-to-digest graphs and charts.