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6 Warning Signs You Could Be Suffering From ‘Careaholism’ In Your Career

Updated Jul 15, 2024, 10:30am EDT

It’s not always hurrying and rushing that create burnout. The helping and mental health professions are bulging at the seams with careaholics, bringing their compulsive need to caretake, fix, make peace and carry the burdens of others. Some professionals over give and over care to the point that they develop “careaholism” and suffer risk of compassion burnout.

This could be you if your job isn’t sitting behind a desk or in front of a computer. You could be a frontline worker, a nurse or doctor tending to the sick, a therapist treating mental illness, a teacher caring for the young, an advocate for the needy or a member of the clergy saving lost souls.

When Professional Care Becomes Corrosive

The word, “careaholic” might sound odd. And you might even ask, “How can you care too much in these troubling times?” There’s so much violence and animosity, and we need take care of one another. All of that is true, but there’s a difference between compassionate caring and corrosive “careaholism.” Think of water. We need it to survive, but too much or too little can kill us. William Shakespeare said it best, “Care is no cure, but rather corrosive, for things that are not to be remedied.”

A careaholic is someone with a strong need to be needed who uses caring and helping in the same way alcoholics use booze to self-medicate pain or cope with stress. They overload themselves with other people’s problems as a distraction from their own worries and stresses. Caring is counterproductive when helping others becomes a means to avoid or self-medicate your own pain. If you’re focused on taking care of someone else, you don’t have to think about your own burdens. And if you have unfinished business of your own, you’re not likely to let someone else struggle with theirs.

Careaholics take pride in anticipating the needs of others and meeting them before they ask, or they insist on helping someone—even if the person dosen’t want, ask for or need help. Careaholics end up taking more than they’re giving—feeding their own needs instead of practicing selfless compassion. Some of the signs of careaholism include:

  1. Trying to give 100% to everyone
  2. Having difficulty asking for help
  3. Forfeiting your own self-care and emotional well-being in favor of others
  4. Feeling a strong need to be needed
  5. Using caring and helping in the way alcoholics use booze to self-medicate pain or cope with stress.
  6. Overloading yourself with other people’s burdens as a distraction from your own problems and stresses.

The psychologist John Bowlby explained why this pattern occurs: “The person showing it [careaholism] may engage in many close relationships but always in the role of giving care, never that of receiving it . . . the person who develops in this way has found that the only affectional bond available is one in which he must always be the caregiver and that the only care he can ever receive is the care he gives himself.”

Case in point. When Stephanie took her first-ever vacation from her husband, kids, and job to visit her sister, she made sure everyone would be taken care of in her absence. She cooked, labeled and froze meals for each day she would be gone. She washed their clothes, cleaned the house, and arranged for her children’s carpool. At work where she was a staff supervisor, she delegated her responsibilities and assigned tasks to be completed while she was gone. Natural actions of a loving mother and caring colleague, right?

Hold on. There’s more to the story. During her “vacation,” Stephanie worried that her family and coworkers couldn’t manage without her. She couldn’t relax or enjoy her sister’s company because she felt guilty for being away. Upon her return, she discovered that everyone had done quite well in her absence. She felt badly that her coworkers and family hadn’t needed her more and felt guilty for feeling that way. On a deeper level, she recognized that a part of her would have rather things go wrong than run smoothly so the people in her life would lean on her, satisfying her need to feel important. Stephanie is a careaholic.

6 Steps For On-The-Job Radical Self-Care

Many business leaders still practice old hat tricks from the dark ages that self-sacrifice builds the organization. And they believe when the company requires employees to work longer and harder, it gets a bigger bang for its buck.

Careaholics, burning the candle at both ends, bite the hook and succumb to the same mold. Many hit bottom with emotional bankruptcy or compassion burnout—physical exhaustion, depletion of emotional energy and lack of purpose brought on by the stress of caring for and helping others at the expense of taking care of themselves.

The remedy for compassion burnout is self-care, and it’s more than a bubble bath. Sometimes careaholics must practice radical self-care and go to extremes to get people’s attention. In the face of extreme work challenges, radical self-care requires going against popular opinion or refusing to appease others, even when they call you selfish or weak.

Radical self-care is the ability to ditch your concern of disappointing others and caring as much about how you treat yourself or allow yourself to be treated as you do about the expectations of others. It’s being willing to take the necessary steps—going to unpopular extremes if necessary—to take care of yourself and protect your mental and physical well-being at all costs.

1. Be realistic about what is humanly possible for you to do. Remind yourself you cannot save the world and make sure you save yourself first before trying to help coworkers. When you're already overloaded and need time for yourself, let that be a sign that you're not in a position to take on more emotional commitments. Every time you say "yes" when you want to say "no," you do colleagues and yourself an injustice.

2. Examine your motivation for helping. Do you believe fixing others will fulfill a greater need in you than in them? If the answer is yes, you could be taking more than you’re giving. Sometimes the best way to care is not to get involved with someone’s problems and not to help them if it robs them of learning and standing on their own two feet.

3. Respect another employee’s refusal for your help. It ‘s important to let a coworker know you would like to help. If they say no, it’s important to honor their request instead of pressuring them because you see something that needs fixing.

4. If you end up helping someone, make sure you’re in the habit of showing them how to fish instead of feeding them fish. In other words, if the help you give makes a colleague or friend dependent on you, you could be holding them back when they might be ready to fly.

5. Set emotional boundaries. Encourage colleagues and love ones to become emotionally independent. Avoid over-identifying with their feelings and don’t take other people’s problems home with you. By leaving problems with their rightful owners, you allow them to grow by finding their own solutions. Some of our best lessons come from learning from our mistakes.

6. Practice what you preach. Before you embark on a helping campaign, help yourself first. Let others benefit from cleaning up their side of the street while you tend to the potholes in your own neglected side. Examine unmet needs in your life that you might’ve avoided. Take time out for yourself in the same ways you tell others to care for themselves: positive self-talk, meditate, bathe in nature and learn to enjoy your own company.

You know you’re genuinely caring when you have an unselfish desire to give without making others overly dependent on you or taking away their ability to care for themselves. You give only as much help as is needed. And sometimes you even let people fall down without rescuing them because success is built on failure. That’s radical self-care, the remedy for careaholism and compassion burnout and career longivity and success.

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