Leverage Synergy To Stretch Your 2025 B2B Marketing Budget

Download our 2025 Budget Planning Guide for B2B marketing executives.


In 2025, only 35% of B2B marketers expect investments to increase by 5% or more. As we look ahead, it’s crucial for B2B marketing executives to make strategic (and creative) decisions that will drive growth and maximize their marketing budgets.

Budget Planning Guide 2025: B2B Marketing Executives

Download our 2025 Budget Planning Guide for B2B marketing leaders. Explore the effects of stagnant budgets and economic uncertainties. Discover where to strategically invest, divest, and experiment to maximize your budget through synergistic growth, collaboration, cross-functional partnerships, and teamwork.

Download your 2025 Budget Planning Guide to:

  • Learn where to invest in AI, privacy, partner ecosystems, and customer retention.
  • Discover where to divest in activities that create silos and friction.
  • Explore opportunities to experiment with revenue transformation, KPIs, and sustainability.


What’s inside? Information to help you:

  • Benchmark your current spending and identify areas for optimization
  • Plan strategic allocation of budgets across technology, programs, and personnel
  • Strategies for investing in initiatives with high synergistic effects on business growth


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Watch Our B2B Marketing Budget Planning Webinar

Want more 2025 budget planning perspective? Dive deeper into our B2B Budget Planning Guide insights and hear budget planning advice from our analysts.