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(Fark)   Fark Farktography Forum. Discuss stuff here instead of in the actual Farktography threads.   ( divider line
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39854 clicks; posted to Main » on 01 Jan 2007 at 12:00 AM (17 years ago)   |   Favorite   |   Watch    |   share:  Copy Link

1056 Comments     (+0 »)

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‘’ 2011-06-01 8:07:20 PM  
Oh, hai guys!
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:21:31 PM  
oooh, shiny!
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:31:26 PM  
Yay! We've gone legit!
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:32:24 PM  
While you're here, check out the PS/Photo Browser link next to our Farktography Forum listing to the right....
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:33:09 PM  
Go us!
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:33:10 PM  
well this should be fun. and better than random comments scattered though the PSAEF. OTOH it's one more tab to keep open. OTOH 2 i have so many open tabs that one more really doesn't count.
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:34:49 PM  

Elsinore: While you're here, check out the PS/Photo Browser link next to our Farktography Forum listing to the right....

we're not in there yet but that too is nice.
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:36:24 PM  
Actually we are...last week's is in there...scroll down :)
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:39:10 PM  
Yay, this wasn't in the beta version so I petitioned - I'm sure others did too!
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:41:37 PM  
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:45:23 PM  
how long do comments last in here before disappearing?
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:48:23 PM  
I think it's just a continuous scroll, kes.
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:51:20 PM  
So, basically ad nauseum.
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:52:39 PM  

Curious: Elsinore: While you're here, check out the PS/Photo Browser link next to our Farktography Forum listing to the right....

we're not in there yet but that too is nice.

Actually, we're in there. You just have to scroll down a bit - look for U-Man's cat pic from last week.
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:53:04 PM  
Yep, continuous scroll. Obviously will continue to be where we propose and schedule themes. This will be a great place for more general discussion and for people less familiar with the contest to find their way to Farktography.
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:54:51 PM  

kestrana: Yay, this wasn't in the beta version so I petitioned - I'm sure others did too!

lol yep
‘’ 2011-06-01 8:59:22 PM  
Awesome! I've always been envious of the P/Sers and their main page linkage. Now we've got it too!
‘’ 2011-06-01 9:00:25 PM  
Also, this would be a good place for the vote enable or picture deletion requests.
‘’ 2011-06-01 9:10:38 PM  

Elsinore: Also, this would be a good place for the vote enable or picture deletion requests.

it would indeed. perhaps we might add a link to the boobies.

in the boobies?

‘’ 2011-06-01 9:11:42 PM  

Curious: Elsinore: Also, this would be a good place for the vote enable or picture deletion requests.

it would indeed. perhaps we might add a link to the boobies.

in the boobies?


yep need to do that for sure. Don't want to eliminate the link, but definitely need this one in there.
‘’ 2011-06-01 9:15:08 PM  

Elsinore: Actually we are...last week's is in there...scroll down :)

my down scroll is broken. :(

if last weeks is then so are the others --- yep they're there too.
‘’ 2011-06-01 9:33:15 PM  
Smells so new in here!
‘’ 2011-06-01 9:37:36 PM  

olavf: So, basically ad nauseum.

there will be forced pagination (?) at about 1000 posts, or at least that's how it works in the photoshop forum. You'll be able to skip to the latest posts quickly (again I assume).
‘’ 2011-06-01 9:46:16 PM  

I'm No Big Deal: Smells so new in here!

Yeah, gotta love that new forum smell.
‘’ 2011-06-01 11:00:00 PM  
Curious: it would indeed. perhaps we might add a link to the boobies.

in the boobies?



Pope Larry II: there will be forced pagination (?) at about 1000 posts, or at least that's how it works in the photoshop forum. You'll be able to skip to the latest posts quickly (again I assume).

That's the general rule for fark threads.

So, only 975 to go! Get yakkin' people!
‘’ 2011-06-01 11:15:05 PM  

Pope Larry II: olavf: So, basically ad nauseum.

there will be forced pagination (?) at about 1000 posts, or at least that's how it works in the photoshop forum. You'll be able to skip to the latest posts quickly (again I assume).

i use the "single page" thingy and then the "start 2 days ago" and "show 2 days".

right now my page header is "single page" "start one week" "show one week". in time i might change that to XX days.
‘’ 2011-06-01 11:18:18 PM  
oh look !!! we can post images here. unlike the PSAEF.

davesweblife.comView Full Size
‘’ 2011-06-01 11:21:25 PM  
that image was shot with one of these (new window) before you get all "crappy photo Curious" on me.
‘’ 2011-06-01 11:42:24 PM  

Curious: oh look !!! we can post images here. unlike the PSAEF.

‘’ 2011-06-01 11:59:53 PM  
Apropos of nothing whatsoever, some of you will remember my post about my grandson Austin, who I was teaching photography.

Tonight, my daughter got a call that he's in the running for a scholarship based on his photos. I have the nagging feeling that there's a scam involved somehow. Anyone ever heard of this?
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:18:34 AM  

SilverStag: Apropos of nothing whatsoever, some of you will remember my post about my grandson Austin, who I was teaching photography.

Tonight, my daughter got a call that he's in the running for a scholarship based on his photos. I have the nagging feeling that there's a scam involved somehow. Anyone ever heard of this?

Do you know the name of the organization? Is this a college scholarship?
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:32:10 AM  
Woohoo, this will be nice!
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:32:17 AM  

Elsinore: SilverStag: Apropos of nothing whatsoever, some of you will remember my post about my grandson Austin, who I was teaching photography.

Tonight, my daughter got a call that he's in the running for a scholarship based on his photos. I have the nagging feeling that there's a scam involved somehow. Anyone ever heard of this?

Do you know the name of the organization? Is this a college scholarship?

I'm hoping to find out more this weekend.
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:33:21 AM  

SilverStag: I have the nagging feeling that there's a scam involved somehow.

i always took you for a good teacher :)
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:35:29 AM  
i'm stroked. i not only have mine but my friend who enters occasionally is in tonight too. and at long last my sister has signed up for fark just to get in this contest.
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:36:43 AM  

Curious: i'm stroked. i not only have mine but my friend who enters occasionally is in tonight too. and at long last my sister has signed up for fark just to get in this contest.

‘’ 2011-06-02 12:36:48 AM  
Can you kill my mistake at 2011-06-01 08:03:27 PM, please?
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:40:45 AM  

Curious: i'm stroked. i not only have mine but my friend who enters occasionally is in tonight too. and at long last my sister has signed up for fark just to get in this contest.

/Mr Burns Voice/


/ END Mr Burns Voice/
‘’ 2011-06-02 12:48:32 AM  

SilverStag: 2011-06-01 08:03:27 PM

Yep, got it
‘’ 2011-06-02 1:40:11 AM  
Whoa! Cool.
‘’ 2011-06-02 8:13:03 AM, wait, this is going to mess me up, do I come here or the PShop Forum?

‘’ 2011-06-02 9:17:43 AM  

Ennuipoet:, wait, this is going to mess me up, do I come here or the PShop Forum?


Double your pleasure, double your fun. Why choose? ;)
‘’ 2011-06-02 4:42:43 PM  
SWEET! *bookmark*
‘’ 2011-06-03 12:17:22 PM  
ooooh our own place! Well...actually on fark anyhow :D
‘’ 2011-06-03 12:41:36 PM  

BTW - thanx y'all for the votes on my Urban Art. I honestly never expected to do as well as I did. (Hell, at 6 am I was first... good thing I have a strong heart).

I'm finally finding some ideas and resources for the shadow/light one coming up...

Loving the new camera and the renewed hobby...
‘’ 2011-06-03 12:59:09 PM  
Whoever was in the bathroom last didnt bother to put a new roll of toilet paper in the dispenser.
‘’ 2011-06-03 1:45:13 PM  

Yugoboy: BTW - thanx y'all for the votes on my Urban Art. I honestly never expected to do as well as I did. (Hell, at 6 am I was first... good thing I have a strong heart).

I'm finally finding some ideas and resources for the shadow/light one coming up...

Loving the new camera and the renewed hobby...

You spoke for me on all points, Yugoboy! I too, am surprised to be in the #2 position that I currently occupy. Oh no, now I'll be expecting myself to be up there all the time! Anyhow, I'm honored to be among the names I have come to know well from my lurking days in this thread and others. It's an education just browsing the photos and reading the comments.

Although I don't come with the stellar PS reputation that you do, Yugo, I too have recently renewed my hobby. I am looking forward to the weekly kick in the butt to "get out there and take better photos" that Farktography offers.
‘’ 2011-06-03 7:51:30 PM  
Oh hey! Fancy seeing you guys here. I do love the contest viewer btw. That's pretty nifty.
‘’ 2011-06-03 7:54:18 PM  
Farkback also takes compliments in addition to complaints ;)
‘’ 2011-06-03 8:26:25 PM  
Hmmm that sounds like a lot of work.
Displayed 50 of 1056 comments

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