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Displaying only links with "Vintage" topic

Tue September 10, 2024
[Entertainment] That time James Earl Jones went on Letterman and read the Top 10 list
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1897, the first drunk-driving arrest was made, showing exactly how long Steve Bannon has been around
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1813, the Battle of Lake Erie took place, in what was the first unqualified defeat of a British naval squadron in history and set up the later battles of Lake Creepy, Ominous Pond, and the Eldritch Lagoon
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[Food] For anyone having a Kamala Colada during the debate tonight, here comes the history of political cocktails
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 2008, the CERN Large Hadron Collider was powered up and immediately destroyed all sane realities, leaving us here in this one
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(Echo Press)
[STEM] The 1879 fire that almost ended the legend of Deadwood. Farkin' cocksuckers
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Mon September 09, 2024
[Entertainment] Ten years ago today, Apple gave everyone the gift of great music, only to have fans of Nickelback complain
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[Fandom] Today is the 25th anniversary of 9/9/99 and the release of the best video game console none of you bought
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 2002, astronaut Buzz Aldrin showed a heckler the stars
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Sun September 08, 2024
[Politics] 50 years ago today, Gerald Ford guaranteed that ain't nothin' was gonna happen
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Fri September 06, 2024
(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1522, Ferdinand Magellan's expedition circumnavigated the globe, which sounds impressive until you realize they were just lost and refused to stop and ask for directions
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Thu September 05, 2024
[Politics] Remember back in 2004 when TFG said that the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans? That may have been the last time he told the truth. Good times
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[Politics] Today in history : The Battle of Lake Travis
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[Politics] Weirdo Elegy: "Universal day care is class war against normal people"
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[Entertainment] "We're trapped in a terrible, neverending cycle of nostalgia." Well, yeah. Who wants to remember anything that has happened since 2000?
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Wed September 04, 2024
(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1886, Geronimo surrendered to US government troops, finally allowing soldiers to yell something when they jumped out of tall buildings
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Tue September 03, 2024
[Fandom] Ten years ago, Disney relaunched the Star Wars canon, officially getting rid of great moments like Luuke, Mara Jade, or Chewie getting mooned
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(Hero tag &)
[Discussion] The first female lawyer in Iowa - and America - was initially derided as a "bar" maid
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, formally ending the American Revolution. While the new nation did not receive Canada as Benjamin Franklin demanded, we still have our eyes on that sweet, sweet poutine
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(The Korea Times)
[Food] New Yorkers may not remember Korean taxi driver restaurants of the 1980s, so NYC's hottest diner lets them bathe in authentic food and nostalgia. "Items such as wall-mounted fans, traditional landscape paintings and CRT TVs were carefully selected"
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(Action A Go-Go)
[Fandom] Here is a list of the Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis Game Songs and don't worry Mom and Dad I am not moving out of your basement and never will
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[Food] Helpful pics of all the best dishes from your childhood. Bonus: not a slideshow
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Mon September 02, 2024
(The Drive)
[STEM] In 2015, BMW unveiled gesture control: Controls you could use not by touching them, but by gesturing at them. It was a dismal failure for two reasons: 1. It was a dumbass idea, and 2. The only gesture people use in cars is flipping the bird
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[Politics] TFG speaks at a 4th grade level. It's been known this since 2018, but subby just found out they did the math
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1666, the Great Fire of London began at a baker's house in Pudding Lane, prompting the authorities to finally outlaw the serving of Napalm Pudding
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[Food] Revenge meatloaf tastes best
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Sun September 01, 2024
(All Recipes)
[Food] In need of a good zucchini chocolate cake recipe since subby forgot to copy it off his Palm Pilot a couple decades ago. Link goes to a possibility
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Fri August 30, 2024
[Discussion] What's that B side track you absolutely love? Popular band, but the song didn't get any radio play
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[Fandom] Today's the day Sisko, Bashir, and Dax arrive in San Francisco. Still waiting for Irish Reunification
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Thu August 29, 2024
(WDSU New Orleans)
[Main] Hurricane Katrina Day. Also hurricanes Ida, Gustav, Harvey etc. day
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[Fandom] It's the 35th anniversary of the North American release of subby's favorite also-ran video game console. It was far more successful in Japan
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Wed August 28, 2024
(The Register)
[Fandom] There was a time when 8-bit commies weren't cheaply corrupt Soviets but were the absolute sh*t
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[Discussion] To all members of my family: please note that he also CLOSES the door immediately. He does not stand there with the door open. He does not walk away and leave it open. Finnish instructional vid 1979
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[Main] Rupees? At least the museum has a heart. Click the Link
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Tue August 27, 2024
(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1979, Lord Mountbatten learned why a 401K is safer than an IRA
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1883, Krakatoa exploded with such noise that it was heard three thousand miles away, ranking it the second loudest sound known to mankind after a Disaster Area tour
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(People Magazine)
[Fandom] It's that season of the year again. People are once again discovering that Paul Rudd was in a Super Nintendo commercial
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[Entertainment] Thirty years ago, Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis were natural born killers who were cast into a flaming pit of scum forgotten by God after birth
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(Science Focus)
[STEM] Pneumatic tubes are making a comeback
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[Fandom] A 35 year anniversary interview with the composers of Mega Man 2 soundtrack
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[Entertainment] Sixty years on, Mary Poppins is still supercalifragilistic expialidocious (the Fark filter won't take that word - it's really quite atrocious)
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Mon August 26, 2024
(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1794, President George Washington decided to subdue the Whiskey Rebellion, an event which resounded through history to the present leading to President Trump's pathological fear of boos
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(History Channel)
[Main] On this day in history, in 1346, the French were routed at the Battle of Crecy due to the technological superiority of the English Longbow over the crossbow, causing many to put aside their quarrels once and for all
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[Entertainment] Once upon a time 'Leave It To Beaver' fought with censors to show a toilet, with evidence to go on here
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Sun August 25, 2024
[Entertainment] Thirty years ago today, Generation Catalano became engrossed in Claire Danes' so-called life
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Fri August 23, 2024
[Politics] The cop who was featured at the DNC this week had banned in person visits to pocket the profits from a telecom because they hoped to encourage long distance phone calls. Why, yes, there's a lawsuit from this year
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[Politics] 85 years ago today, Hitler and Stalin secretly divvied up Poland and gave WWII the green light
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[Discussion] What's a song that you haven't heard since your childhood, but would still be able to sing every lyric?
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(Relevant Magazine)
[Main] Can't improve the original headline: "7-Eleven Wants to Destroy Humanity by Selling Hot Dog Water." That's sparkling hot dog water. How drunk, I mean thirsty, would you have to be?
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(7 News Australia)
[Discussion] The once-popular Gen X names that are nearly dead with today's parents. Wait, the name "Dawn" is in trouble? Must be Tuesday
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