The victory marks the third year in a row that a bat from Oregon has taken first place in the the Bureau of Land Management's annual Bat Beauty Contest.
One of the groups behind the ads is bankrolled by Elon Musk.
People keep falling for this false warning on social media.
Extreme swimmer Jim Dreyer said he again will try to cross Lake Michigan, from Michigan to Wisconsin on Monday night.
"I once boasted that I could reach 1 million people in one minute. Then — poof. It was all gone."
“I wasn’t expecting any miracles, but the next day, Silver was already more alert ... My family and I were shocked.”
the Aquarium and Shark Lab in North Carolina announced Sunday that Charlotte the stingray had died after getting a rare reproductive disease.
Mishka, a terrier mix, wandered away from his owner last summer and somehow ended up in Detroit.
"Almost three decades spent with someone is not easy to shake off in a little over a year — or maybe ever."
Now we know what Phil does the other 364 days of the year.