e-Tendering Module

Create, manage and publish all of your tenders within one easy-to-use application.

e-Tendering product screen shot

In an age where budgets are being slashed, any spend by organisations needs to be worthwhile, effective and demonstrably beneficial. It is in these conditions that expenditure on software packages must be subject to increased scrutiny and this is no less the case for procurement departments. At In-tend, we look to not only support the evidence of the benefits from electronic tendering, but aid in assisting organisations to channel resources to most effectively meet core objectives.

  • Create new tenders quickly and easily with Dynamic Wizards
  • Unlimited Document Storage with full version and access control
  • Enforced Compliance with relevant procurement legislation
Toy town representation of a low value project

Quick Simple Quotes

For low value and devolved purchasing processes

The In-tend system facilitates a multitude of processes which can be tailored to organisational requirements via a range of Dynamic Wizards which allow the user to quickly and easily conduct quotation processes via linear progression. Documentation and questionnaires can be appended and undertaken as appropriate, and the user able to publish to a pre-approved list of suppliers. Supplier returns are then quickly and easily assessed from here and the award captured.

Toy town representation of a high value project

Medium-high spend projects

For medium-higher value projects with more comprehensive requirements, the system allows for multi-stage tenders. Creation and conduction of each stage is easy and logical, allowing for full e-Evaluation of returns at each stage and within each envelope, as well as full document management and correspondence. The full project function is highly customisable, ensuring that any combination of stages can be utilised to ensure that the system most accurately meets your requirements.

Circles arranged in a circle with connecting dotted lines to depict connected modules and systems


Within our e-Tendering module, we offer the ability to link to third-party systems against identified touchpoints. This includes, but is not limited to: finance systems, e-Signature, and credit reporting integrations. Additionally, we integrate with the UNGM Marketplace, and offer Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We have the in-house capability to create middleware where no current API connections may be available, and no matter your requirement, welcome discussion to further streamline your procurement and business processes..

OJEU Crown Commercial Service

In-tend are e-Sender accredited with both Tenders Electronic Daily for OJEU notices in Europe, and Crown Commercial Service for both Contracts Finder and Find A Tender Service notices in the UK.

Icon representing multiple supported languages include English, Welsh, Spanish, Polish and French

Additionally, the system is available in multiple languages for both buyers and suppliers, and procurements are supported in all currencies for global returns and evaluation.

Module features

  • Proven spending reductions
  • Drastically reduced time requirements
  • Reduced legal timescales
  • Increased transparency and auditability
  • Increased security
  • Broaden supplier base
  • Ensure equal supplier opportunities
  • Simple buyer-supplier communication
  • Minimal environmental impact
  • Re-aligned strategy to focus on key goals
  • Electronically publish all sizes of tender
  • RFQs for smaller requirements
  • Mini-Competitions against approved suppliers
  • Suppliers Frameworks including DPS
  • Multi-stage projects with workflow guidance for larger projects
  • Full e-Evaluation
  • EU and UK e-Sender accredited

Curious to find out more?

or call us on 0114 407 0056

Market Engagement Upgrade screen shot

Market Engagement

As part of In-tends e-Procurement platform, our Market Engagement stage capability provides the foundation for more informed procurement processes.

More about the Market Engagement upgrade