Joint Endorsement: What It Is, How It Works

Picture of a man filling out a check Picture of a man filling out a check

What Is Joint Endorsement?

A joint endorsement can be required on a check presented for deposit or cashing that has been made out to two or more individuals. The purpose of the joint endorsement is to prevent one individual from depositing or cashing a check without the knowledge or permission of the other person to whom the check is made out to.

Key Takeaways

  • A joint endorsement is required for checks in which the beneficiaries are two or more parties.
  • Based on legal convention, if the two payee names on a check are separated by the word "and" or any symbol or abbreviation of the word "and," then the bank can require a joint endorsement.
  • In instances where the two payee names are separated by the word "or," then a signature from either one of the parties will do.
  • Tax refund checks generally require joint endorsements.

Understanding Joint Endorsement

Rules on joint endorsements vary by state, bank, and even the type of check presented. For example, when checks are made out to a married couple and deposited into their joint account, many banks will not require both spouses to endorse the check; after all, the money is going into an account to which they share access.

On the other hand, most banks will require checks issued by the U.S. government, such as tax refund checks, to be jointly endorsed, even for deposit into a joint account.

The Details Make a Difference

The need for a joint endorsement can be determined by the way the check is written. According to the legal convention, if the two payee names on the check are separated by the word "and" or any symbol or abbreviation of the word "and," then the bank can require a joint endorsement.

Thus a check made out to "Jane Doe and John Doe," "Jane Doe & John Doe," or "Jane Doe + John Doe" would call for a joint endorsement.

On the other hand, if the payee names on the check are separated by a simple comma, such as "Jane Doe, John Doe," then either party could endorse the check. Note that all banks may not follow these conventions and could demand a joint endorsement in any case.

In some instances, both parties for a joint endorsement cannot be present together at the same time to endorse the check.

For example, a recently divorced couple in which one of the partners has obtained a restraining order against the other might present a problem for the bank because it is difficult to verify or ask for signatures for a check. In such cases, a bank works with both parties independently or asks for a reissue of the joint check, made out separately to each individual.

Joint Endorsements in Landlord-Tenant Transactions

The issue of joint endorsements often comes up in landlord-tenant relations because many living situations involve roommates who share bills and responsibilities but who are not married or otherwise related.

When a landlord returns a security deposit to tenants, the check may be written out to both, or all, the tenants listed on the lease, using some version of "and" between the names. Often the letters JT are appended to the names, meaning "joint tenants." A problem arises when two unrelated roommates have separate bank accounts since the landlord's check can only be deposited into one account.

In this case, the refund check must still be jointly endorsed by both tenants before it can be deposited in one of the tenants' bank accounts. The depositor would then presumably write a separate check back to the other tenant.

Do Both Spouses Need to Endorse a Check?

Whether both spouses will need to endorse a check will depend on how the check is made out. For example, if the check says "and" between the two names, then both will need to endorse it. If the names are separated by "or," then only one will need to endorse it. For example, "John and Mary" versus "John or Mary."

Can I Deposit a Check for My Joint Account Holder?

If the check is made out to both account holders, then most likely only one of you will have to sign the check if it is made out to the two of you since both your names are on the account. If the check is made out to only one person, you still may be able to deposit it for the other account holder, however, the rules will depend on the specific financial institution.

How Do Endorsement Checks Work?

An endorsement check is endorsing a check to someone else that was originally made out to you. You would write and sign your name as usual but add "pay to the order of" followed by the name of the person you would like to endorse the check to.

The Bottom Line

When a check is made out to two or more people, a joint endorsement is required. This ensures that all parties on the check agree to its deposit or cashing. If the names on the check are separated by "and," then a check will usually need a joint endorsement. If they are separated by "or," they usually won't. Joint endorsements are usually needed on shared accounts, such as those between spouses.

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  1. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "Do Both My Spouse and I Have to Sign the Back of a Check Made Out to Us?"

  2. Greenville Federal Credit Union. "Tips for Depositing Your Government-Issued Stimulus or Tax Refund Check."