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Non-Deliverable Swap (NDS): Overview and Examples

What Is a Non-Deliverable Swap (NDS)?

A non-deliverable swap (NDS) is a variation on a currency swap between major and minor currencies that are restricted or not convertible. This means there is no physical delivery of the two currencies involved, unlike a typical currency swap where there is an exchange of currency flows. Periodic settlement of an NDS is done on a cash basis, generally in U.S. dollars. The settlement value is based on the difference between the exchange rate specified in the swap contract and the spot rate, with one party paying the other the difference.

Key Takeaways

  • A non-deliverable swap is a type of currency swap that is paid and settled in U.S. dollar equivalents rather than the two currencies involved in the swap itself.
  • As a result, the swap is considered non-convertible (restricted) since there is no physical delivery of the underlying currencies.
  • NDS are typically used when the underlying currencies are difficult to obtain, are illiquid, or are volatile—for instance, for developing country currencies or restricted currencies like Cuba or North Korea.

Understanding Non-Deliverable Swaps (NDSs)

Non-deliverable swaps are used by multi-national corporations to mitigate the risk that they may not be allowed to repatriate profits because of currency controls. They also use NDSs to hedge the risk of abrupt devaluation or depreciation in a restricted currency with little liquidity, and to avoid the prohibitive cost of exchanging currencies in the local market. Financial institutions in nations with exchange restrictions use NDSs to hedge their foreign currency loan exposure.

The key variables in a NDS are:

  • the notional amounts (that is, the amounts of the transaction)
  • the two currencies involved (the non-deliverable currency and the settlement currency)
  • the settlement dates
  • the contract rates for the swap, and
  • the fixing rates and dates—the specific dates on which the spot rates will be sourced from reputable and independent market sources.

A non-deliverable swap can be viewed as a series of non-deliverable forwards bundled together.

Example of Non-Deliverable Swap (NDS)

Consider a financial institution—let’s call it LendEx—based in Argentina, that has taken a five-year US$10 million loan from a U.S. lender at a fixed interest rate of 4% per annum payable semi-annually. LendEx has converted the U.S. dollar into Argentine pesos at the current exchange rate of 5.4, for lending to local businesses. However, it is concerned about the future depreciation of the peso, which will make it more expensive to make the interest payments and principal repayment in U.S. dollars. It therefore enters into a currency swap with an overseas counterparty on the following terms:

  • Notional Amounts (N): US$400,000 for interest payments and US$10 million for the principal repayment.
  • Currencies: Argentine peso and U.S. dollar.
  • Settlement Dates: 10 in all, the first one coinciding with the first interest payment and the tenth and final one coinciding with the final interest payment plus principal repayment.
  • Contract Rates for the Swap (F): For the sake of simplicity, say a contract rate of 6 (pesos per dollar) for the interest payments and 7 for the principal repayment.
  • Fixing Rates and Dates (S): Two days before the settlement date, sourced at 12 noon ET from Reuters.

The methodology for determining the NDS follows the following equation:

Profit = (NS – NF) ÷ S = N (1 – F ÷S)

Here’s how the NDS works out in this example. On the first fixing date, which is two days before the first interest payment/settlement date, assume the spot exchange rate is 5.7 pesos to the U.S. dollar. Since LendEx contracts to buy dollars at a rate of 6, it would have to pay the difference between this contract rate and the spot rate times the notional interest amount to the counterparty. This net settlement amount would be in U.S. dollars and works out to -$20,000. This is calculated as:

(5.7 - 6.0) x 400,000 = -120,000 ÷ 6 = -$20,000

On the second fixing date, assume the spot exchange rate is 6.5 to the U.S. dollar. In this case, because the spot exchange rate is worse than the contracted rate, LendEx will receive a net payment of $33,333. This is calculated as:

(6.5 – 6.0) x 400,000 = 200,000 ÷ 6 = $33,333

This process continues until the final repayment date. A key point to note here is that because this is a non-deliverable swap, settlements between the counterparties are made in U.S. dollars, and not in Argentine pesos.

What Is a Swap?

A swap is a financial contract involving two parties who exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments. Most contracts like this involve cash flows based on a notional principal amount related to a loan or bond. One thing to keep in mind is that the security can be almost anything. The principal typically doesn't exchange hands.

Who Uses Swaps?

Swaps are commonly traded by more experienced investors—notably, institutional investors. These investors include banks, financial institutions, and governments. They are commonly used to manage different types of risks like currency, interest rate, and price risk.

Are Swaps Regulated?

Yes, the swap market is regulated. This market is overseen by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). It was given the authority to regulate the swap market under the  Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

The Bottom Line

Non-deliverable swaps are financial contracts used by experienced investors to make trades between currencies that are not convertible. Unlike other types of swaps, there is no physical exchange of the currencies. Settlement takes place on a cash basis. Because of the complicated nature of these types of contracts, novice investors usually shouldn't take on NDSs.

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  1. Silicon Valley Bank. “Non-Deliverable Forward/Swap Contract (NDF/NDS).” Pages 2-3.

  2. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. "Dodd-Frank Act."

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