Yarilet Perez Yarilet Perez

Yarilet Perez

Resides In

New York, NY


The City College of New York, Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism


Personal Finance and Investing, Real Estate


  • Updated over 500 articles on Investopedia and The Balance as a quality team fact-checker since 2020.
  • Published multiple times while working as a broadcast reporter
  • Prepared live newscasts and delivered breaking news for media outlets across the country, including the Miami Herald and Univision.


Yarilet began her career as a broadcast reporter and has written, edited, and produced news stories for a variety of high-profile media outlets. As a reporter, she covered breaking news and politics in Washington D.C., Chicago, and Hartford, and hosted various live events.

She completed her Master of Science in Journalism from the Medill School of Journalism before taking a position with a Spanish-language news station and working as a freelance production editor and fact-checker for various publications. Through her passion for storytelling, Yarilet hopes to continue creating content that will engage readers and viewers to not only see but put into action what they have learned, especially when it
comes to personal finance. In the future, she also hopes to become a certified financial coach.


Yarilet received a Master of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism in Evanston, Illinois.

Quote from Yarilet Perez

Every time I start a project on Investopedia, I learn about something I should definitely be aware of but wasn't, and that has made all the difference in the day-to-day handling of my finances.

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