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Charles Potters


Financial Educator

Resides In

Greater New York City Area, NY


Fairleigh Dickinson University, Wroxton College


Economics, Financial Planning, Investing, Trading

Company Info

Capital Ideas, Inc.


  • Member of Investopedia's Financial Review Board
  • Nationally recognized capital markets specialist and educator who has spent the last three decades developing in-depth training programs for financial professionals
  • Clients have included dozens of financial institutions including (but not limited to) Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Societe Generale, Paine Webber, UBS, Deutche Bank and others
  • Developed specialized classes for investors, traders, IT executives, legal/compliance officers, and various types of specialized operations groups


Charles Potters has spent over three decades as a financial educator, involved in the creation and delivery of capital markets and financial services training programs tailored to the needs of both individuals and major financial institutions. Participants have included over 10,000 attendees, coming from the world's leading investment and commercial banks, insurance companies, trading firms, exchanges, and market information providers.

Charles developed specialized classes for investors, traders, IT executives, legal/compliance officers, and various types of specialized operations groups. These classes have included topics concerning the real-world issues revolving every day in the worlds of equities, fixed income and derivatives, as well as discussing and dissecting economics, market intelligence, and the ever-changing effects that technology has in those markets. Charles has taught at a number of institutions including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Societe Generale, and many more.


Charles received his B.A. in political science and English literature from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and spent a year studying at Wroxton College with a focus on British political history.

Quote from Charles Potters

 "Procrastination is the thief of time."

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