Ronni Sandroff headshot Ronni Sandroff headshot
Ronni Sandroff.

Ronni Sandroff

Resides In

Pompano Beach, FL


Hunter College, University of Iowa Writers Workshop,


Insurance, healthcare, politics

Company Info

Ronni Sandroff


  • 35+ years of journalism experience
  • 13 years as health editor for Consumer Reports
  • Published in The New York Times Magazine, Psychology Today and Sports Illustrated
  • Editor-in-chief of quality publications for patients and healthcare professionals


Ronni Sandroff is the former health editorial director for Consumer Reports, where she worked for 13 years. She helped found the CR Health Ratings Center and published unique ratings of health insurance, hospitals, physicians, treatments, and prescription drugs. During her tenure, she brought readers cutting-edge coverage of such key health issues as drug pricing, dangerous nutritional supplements, vaccine safety, hospital ratings, health reform, and the secrets of successful dieters.

She began her career writing fiction, studied under Kurt Vonnegut at the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, and published two books with Alfred A. Knopf. She then moved to journalism and became an award-winning writer and editor focusing on both the financial and clinical aspects of healthcare. 

Sandroff’s first magazine job was at Medical Economics Company and she later became chief editor of Oncology Times, a monthly newspaper for cancer doctors, MEDICA a lifestyle magazine for women doctors, and a variety of health newsletters for patients. She was a health columnist for McCall's and her work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Psychology Today, and Sports Illustrated. She is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and the PEN American Center.


Ronni has a master’s degree from the Writer’s Workshop at the University of Iowa and a bachelor's degree in English from Hunter College.

Quote from Ronni Sandroff