AI-powered tool for LinkedIn Page posts

Last updated: 4 months ago

With LinkedIn’s AI-powered writing tool, you can generate a first draft of a post for your Page using your ideas on a topic. The tool quickly transforms your ideas into a draft that you can edit before posting. You have ultimate control and ownership over the final post, so you should review and revise the generated content before sharing your post. As always, we recommend that you create content on topics you have expertise or personal knowledge about.

Here are some ideas to keep in mind when using the tool: 

  • Use the tool as a place to jot down your notes and ideas. The tool will transform them into your draft.

  • Be specific and detailed with your ideas, rather than giving high-level talking points. 

  • The more details you provide the tool, the better your draft will be. 

  • Don’t ask the tool to come up with ideas for you or help you brainstorm. 

  • Don’t use the tool to do anything other than write a LinkedIn post.

  • Review our best practices for creating content with the help of AI and follow our Professional Community Policies. 

Who can use this feature?

Our AI-powered writing tool is only available with a Premium Company Page subscription. Your LinkedIn profile language must be set to English, and you must have created at least one Page post in the last 90 days.

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