Share a job you’ve posted on LinkedIn

Last updated: 1 year ago

You can share a job post from LinkedIn to various external social media networks, in addition to sharing with LinkedIn members through posts and messages.

To share a job you’ve posted:
  1. Click the Jobs icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click Manage job posts.
  3. Find the job you wish to share and click the More icon to the right of the title.
  4. Click the Share in a post icon or the Share in a message icon.
    • Share in a post – Shares an update on LinkedIn. You can add an optional comment for the update in the What do you want to talk about? section.
    • Share in a message – Opens a new message box with the link to the job post, where you can enter the names of 1st-degree connections who you’d like to share the job post with. You can customize the message before sending.

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